Inactive Crews

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  • #70878
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    The crew sos has gone inactive. There only leader has been gone 100 days and some of its members for 272 days. I would say this crew is inactive and should either be deleted or have its status returned to unverified. I bring this up because I notice lots of crews go inactive and you cannot unrivaled them due to the leaders being gone so long.


    • Topics: 2
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    I’ve had to deal with similar situations. You need to check the player’s ranks and make sure none of them are like notable PirateCraft players. If they are deckhands-sailors, their crews can usually be deleted anyways. I’m pretty sure the server actually already has an auto-deleting system for inactive crews, though maybe the rivalries still show up. In any case, its best to talk to an admin about this.

    ~ Leader of the Imperial Roman Empire ~

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