Im off for a while!

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  • #33555
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    hey guys as you can tell from the title in off for a while. First why am I leaving well I have something in my life which is more significant than the game. Second why bother with a post no one cares your leaving, well I couldn’t care less I have somethings I want to tell some people I was close with or who I have history with.

    First Konstruktor

    konstruktor is a one of a kind guy is is genuinely the kindest guy I’ve met although he can get pretty angry but he has good aims and is one of, in my opinion the best builders.

    Next Reptaria

    well well rep what can I say your a cool dude you although are highly untrustworthy but at the same time one of the most interesting people on the server and your ways of ruleing the elves are weird but in the end they always work out.

    Now Chailey

    chailey you have the strongest presence or one of them on the server. You work you bloody but off for the media part of this server and I admire you highly also we’ve had a few laughs here and then but overall I will miss you.

    Next McShovel

    shovel you are definitely one of my favourites you are calm and always keep a cool head. We’ve had a few long serious discussions here and there but with you I’m 90% having a blast you will be missed.

    Next GodsDead

    wow oh wow you my friends are one incredible man you single handedly created this from scratch without you this lets face it would be nothing you work your socks of day and night just for us and still receive abuse(here and there) and spam anyone who complains at what he’s doing shut up and remember that he’s the one who’s giving his time up so you can play and enjoy a pirate experience.

    Who next ah yes CoV

    CoV and I’m talking to cov in general here I know in the past I was annoying but I think I sorted this all out and you know what you guys where my favourite crew even though on more than one occasion we where enemies I still admired you guys anyway I’ll talk to you guys seperately when I see you

    now Jmoney and Gildor  

    you guys where my 2 favourite although I had a small stupid argument with jmo we always where good buds I’m gonna miss you 2.

    who else Callie, Smoke and Vape

    you guys where awesome Callie was there since when I joined and smoke and vale I met later all 3 of you have been awesome admins and I loved smokeys but hurt post still give out that link time to time stay cool guys:)

    Dagersh and VenturaTheWizard

    you guys where some awesome pvpers me and vent may not have got along aswell as I wanted to, but Dagersh and I had some pretty cool battles back in the day credit to Dagersh for winning most of them haha

    and I think that’s it for that anyway I’ll be around time to time only shortly but popping in to say hey once in a while.

    im gonna miss pirate craft but I should be back sooner than you know it


    ¥Leader Of Atlantians¥

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    Is sad, wasn’t mentioned.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    Hey dude sorry to see you go but real life comes first. I cant wait for you to come back! Those wars were fun but we were still bros brah. Ill await ur return


    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.

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    I can’t wait to see you return


    - Buildy Squad Leader
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    The Queen
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    Well at least you didn’t get a salty bitter sweet reply 🙂


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Thanks for the nice words @texter495 Hopefully everything should be where you left it when you come back 🙂

    Good luck!

    Ic3y ;]
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    Isn’t this just attention seeking? There’s no need to make a post, I mean really? Its just a game dude


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    Icebear nice way to be a jerk about things

    -Lithvather, Knight Of Winter
    Slayer Of Darkness
    Do Or Do Not
    There Is No Try

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    Text, thanx for the kind words & come on again anytime if u wanna talk 😀

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    Hope to see you back on the server soon, Texter! Good luck. 😀

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