I’m not having it

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  • #72234
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    You edited my shop.

    It took to long to get a response.

    Your staff keeps muting me for talking about it.

    I did nothing to deserve this. I have been very respectful up to this point.

    I feel you owe me compensation. I am a paying contributor after all.


    I want two months of captain.  One for the month that was wasted waiting for a resolution….that has yet to come btw… And another month to show you actually care about your donors. I will accept nothing else.


    Just resolve this situation so we can move on. Simple.



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    I don’t think you quite understand what the context is here.

    On the 18/19th of February, you reported to me that your shop had partially been world edited and from what I could tell, it was an easy fix but I took the time, just before my shift at work to properly report to staff what happened.

    From what I can tell, the worth of your shop was less than 2k – not trying to make the problem less significant, but it’s low on the priority list with all the shop upgrades and behind the scenes staff moderation that goes on.

    On the 2nd/3rd of March you contacted me again asking politely for a response for your shop to which I again asked you to put something on the forums and I bumped it again in staff chats.

    What I’m trying to say is that the shops can only be edited by people who have full time jobs and lives outside of PirateCraft, and this is a volunteer role – we do not bend over backwards for donators, we appreciate that you do but it does not give you a free pass to complain and expect something to be done immediately.

    I am asking you to be patient and respectful of the time that we have already (myself included) given for you and if you cannot handle having the staff team make mistakes/be slow with responses especially during covid-19 then I suggest you move on from the server. I am sorry you have become this angry and I would love to see it resolved but nothing important can be solved through anger/bitterness.



    oh, and the donator request – no.

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    You asked as I was doing the biggest upgrade we have ever done to the marketplace, a process that takes mutliple full on full time days, while I work full time like Atalantaa said. Your screenshot from


    Shows literally no loss, you parsed it as though your entire shop was ruined. It was 1 wall, that your signs didn’t even fall off, the signs are still on the wall. So its just the brick that would be on the wall.

    Your reply was to be passive aggressive in-game, constantly harass me after being told you need to wait as I was currently in the process of doing a massive task I couldn’t drop everything for to repair some brick on your shop wall BASEMENT.

    You then decided to remove all the blocks/items from the shop and replace it with lava, you were no longer using it as a shop which is against the rules so you have been evicted from renting at the marketplace. Staff told you multiple times to remove the lava pit and use the location as a shop.

    Your impatience, rudeness, arrogance and downright disrespect for staff will not be tolerated.

    Please go learn some manners and come back. Just because you have donated does not mean you can act like a spoilt brat.

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