Im going to sail around the server

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    Heey Emiel here,


    i thought it would be fun to build a ship and sail from port to port and see how far i can get

    colecting stuf in evry port and taking screenshots and writing about it along the way

    so i would like to know if u know any fun places to stop by and if u would be interested in reading about it

    so here is a small list of things i want to know

    where to stop this could be a player home or a nice port

    what to take along for the journy is there any thing u need for example

    and ofcourse where u want me to go next

    ill keep that simple u post the location in the coments and the most liked place is the next stop

    but it must be able to be found on the map

    or the player map like places as london for example

    ill sail from gloombay to london starting Monday


    thats about it let me know what u think and give me some feedback


    thanks for reading this and i hope to see u along the way


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    That made me think of an idea for a all-day international race around the entire map of piratemc. Perhaps there could also be slow-moving pirate ships that would need to be avoided to make things more interesting. But then again that is just an idea.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    If you want to stop at my castle in the north-east sea feel free 🙂

    Founder of The Vikings
    Founder of The Coalition
    Founder of some other stuff
    I don't know what else to put.

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