I'm done.
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- This topic has 33 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago by
Crazy Pirate.
April 3, 2016 at 9:27 pm #31902
I’m going to cut straight to the chase with this; All of the crap that’s been happening on the server has to stop. Now. But I don’t think it will. So. Yeah. I, like so many others recently, am leaving the server. Now I know I’ve said this before and all, and come back, but this time I’m 100% done for good. People need to mature the f*** up. I know I’m not the only one to feel this way. So… As is the current fashion with people leaving, time to give a few messages to particular people.koi0001 – You annoying little piece of s*it, I love you! I hate you, but I love you at the same time! That sword you gave me recently I lost the day after you gave it to me… Some dick that goes by the name of juicebloks. Sorry about that… But yeah…
CrazyPirate1 – You were one of the first people I met on the server, and you and Adzy took me right into your protection whilst I got to know the ropes. Thank you so much for everything done, and I wish you all the best with everything you do. Stay in touch, buddy!
PaulOnFire – You, buddy, are one of a kind. Our conversations never fail to entertain me, and I love your ability to see the good in situations where others may not be able to. Keep up the good work, buddy, and don’t you ever stop building!
Smokeyriver and Vapecloudbear – Easily two of my favourite people on the server. I genuinely love you guys, and I’ll miss playing on PirateCraft with you. Vape, don’t worry about that money you owe me. Consider it a gift!
– I’ll make sure that I’ll stay in touch with you two whilst I’m gone!
CoV – Well… I suppose you can rejoice and live in peace knowing that I won’t be here to judge what you put in furnaces from now on! I’ll be on teamspeak as often as I can to speak with you all!
ultracreeper – One little bit of advice for your continued enjoyment of the server; Shut the f*ck up
Lithvather – Well, buddy. You’re one of my longer-term friends on the server, and I will miss you
– You’d better stay in contact, buddy!
Athenmos – You dick. I know it was a mistake, but I’m not sure I’m ever going to forgive you for tping HardTimez into my base. Love ya, buddy. Why the bloody hell did you have to go and get yerself banned?! You and I need to have a catch-up, pronto! Haven’t spoken to you in too long!
Keto – Well what can I say about you? You’re a great person to mess around with, a truly good friend. If I were ever in a bad mood, I’d know to come straight to you to cheer me up. Gonna miss you buddy, but I have you on Skype, so I’m sure we’ll keep in touch!
Reptaria – You are a bloody interesting character. Bit too stubborn, though, may want loosen up a bit
– Gonna miss you buddy, wish you the best of luck with whatever you want to do. Also, for your own sake, don’t pick fights that you have absolutely no chance of winning.
GodsDead – Boss… Bloody hell, boss, what do I say about you? You dedicate so much of your time to the server, and people so far as I can tell don’t care half of the time. You can be stubborn, yes, but so can everyone. Guys reading this, give the boss a break. You have no clue how hard he works to make PirateCraft what it is. Hell, instead of him throwing an event for you all next time, you should throw one for him!
I will miss everyone who plays on the server, friend, or enemy, or frenemy… That’s not a word and I now hate myself… But yeah. The server needs to sort itself out. Rule 1 on the server (literally rule 1 on /rules) is “Be polite and respectful to players (no trolling, harassing, bullying etc)”. That rule, in my opinion, has not at all been enforced really recently so far as I can tell.
Anyways. Enough rambling. Hope you all find a way to stay in touch with me! Love you all! <3 – Well… I do, but I’d love you more if you sorted yourselves out. Stay in touch please, folks!<3
April 3, 2016 at 9:54 pm #31904Wait if you are leaving, who will run BOTM?!
Founder of the Coalition
April 3, 2016 at 10:23 pm #31908Good riddance. Thanks for the head, it was hard to remove it from the Admins arse, but I managed
+-+ Templar - Squire +-+
April 3, 2016 at 11:09 pm #31910Charlie you will be severely missed, you have been nothing but a fantastic person on PirateCraft for the entire community, for me and I’m sure for all staff, I feel like I have taken my time with you for granted, that puts meaning to the saying “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”.
I wish you the very best at university and I hope you continue to conquer anything in your path, don’t let the small stuff get in the way of anything.
Best of wishes Charlie.
I will miss you.
April 3, 2016 at 11:32 pm #31911I think I am going to go cry now…
- Buildy Squad Leader
- Governor of Vendigroth
- Founder and Former Emperor of SPQR
- Former Minister of Justice of the British Empire
- Current Lord of the British Empire
- Member of the Conservative Party in the BE GovernmentApril 3, 2016 at 11:39 pm #31912Chai man, you’ve been here so long you’ve become a core piece of PirateCraft. Deep down we’re all aware that life must go on, but it doesn’t detract from the gaping hole your departure leaves in the community. We’ve done so much and had so many laughs, it’s amazing how one can form such close bonds across such vast distances. You will always be remembered.
At least I’m sure we’ll stay in touch, we’ve still got lots of stuff to get on with together!
April 3, 2016 at 11:43 pm #31913See you again eventually
Lucky you will be missed
April 3, 2016 at 11:44 pm #31914Let me just reiterate; I’ll be around for a few more days, but only so I can get rid of all my stuff and decide what’s going to happen to the land I’ve claimed
April 4, 2016 at 12:29 am #31916You don’t know how bad this will crush me :-(. This royally freaking sucks. Like Im pissed my friend is leaving…………..
I know we shall stay in touch though :-p
-Sad Smokey
I solemnly swear I am up to no good.
-Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
*depends on how you want to view my super powers*April 4, 2016 at 1:36 am #31919may the force be with you
If my puns don't kill you my lack of effort will
April 4, 2016 at 1:51 am #31920You were one of the first jerks I met on the server. But I know I wasn’t the first idiot you met. I really respected you. I still do, but when you scammed my 120 dollars as a Decky I was annoyed. I really like your ideas of a chance, and I hope you liked my ideas of a change.
See yah m8 miss you
(clean slate… Always)
April 4, 2016 at 2:11 am #31924Thank you Charlie
This stubborn elf queen still has tricks up her sleeve people are yet to see. My Blessings to you!
Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire
April 4, 2016 at 2:48 am #31926You will be missed bro. Keep in touch.
I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.April 4, 2016 at 12:24 pm #31942Chailey completely forgot poor unimportant ani….
Chailey we had a couple run ins but I always loved your ships [black pearl] and I loved your personality. I had a great time on the server and our extreme chess showdowns were tons of fun! Let’s keep in touch somehow chai chai!
~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~
April 4, 2016 at 1:29 pm #31945Gimme a name, who’s making you all leave, and I’ll hunt em to extinction
You were one of my first true freinds on the server, and you are the living history of this server. Too often players like yourself are taken for granted, but it has been my pleasures to find in you one hell of a freind, and to have stuck with you on here for so long. I’ll stay in touch, buddy;)
It’s gonna be weird without you, as you are the last of a rare breed; kind,loyal, and a freind to the end. Good luck with it all,
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