I'm Doing Training Iron 1v1s

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    I’m sick of spamming the chat with that so, you know, if I write it on here it might get more than two responses. People can say that I’m bad at PvP, I respect their opinion because even I know their are like 20 better pvpers than me on this server. But if I’m that bad, please train with me, give me tips, and then one day I might reach your skill! But it’s also vice versa, if your having a rough patch in pvp and just wanna train with another noob, I’m here! I’ve watched about 20 pvp videos but I’m still bad. Maybe people could share a tip on here? I know the “Jump when you eat one” a lot of people use mouses too, is that necessary? I prefer my track pad, I find it has a lot more precision.

    Anyway, if that is a total load of Mumbo Jumbo then just  read the title and respond to that.


    Crazy Pirate
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    I cant stand a track pad…

    Make sure food is in your offhand slot, that you stock up on crapples, health pots and strength pots. Poison arrows are quite useful, make sure you have enderpearls, and use a mouse!

    If you find its not as accurate as you like, just turn the sensitivity down so you can land more hits.

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    practice, thats all the tips i have lol



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    I cant stand a track pad… Make sure food is in your offhand slot, that you stock up on crapples, health pots and strength pots. Poison arrows are quite useful, make sure you have enderpearls, and use a mouse! If you find its not as accurate as you like, just turn the sensitivity down so you can land more hits.

    i already knew the offhand food one, but thanks for the other tips! I’ll make sure to keep them in mind, please do not edit that post.


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    practice, thats all the tips i have lol

    I do all the time, but my strafing is really bad! I can’t perfect it either because I use q to hit, crazy’s mouse tip could possibly help, but you know, I prefer a track pad.


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    WTF xD

    You’re so weird iOdiwan 😀

    I wouldn’t mind training, I’m not good at pvp, but i’m certainly not all that bad, I can kill people, just often not as well as I’d like to :/

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    WTF xD You’re so weird iOdiwan ? I wouldn’t mind training, I’m not good at pvp, but i’m certainly not all that bad, I can kill people, just often not as well as I’d like to :/

    LOL, eh, I know your time zone, I’m free of training tonight, so, you’d generally be on then, just chuck on some iron and meet at ae0’s :D, just letting you know, minecraft Internet has been horrible lately, so maybe another day we can have a proper rematch if the internet’s bad tonight.


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    Dun lev dis post alon


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