<p style=”text-align: left;”>Current Username: CosmicKing
Username when banned: CosmicKinh
UUID: UUID https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?player=CosmicKing&server=0&action=searchplayer</p>
Banned By: Unknown
Unban Appeal.
I believe I was banned for (According to LEGO) for Advertisement on discord, now I was sharing a discord link with my friends over on discord (I have no idea how sharing discord links with my friends counts as advertisement on the piratecraft Discord) That counted as advertisement apperently, but yes I advertised not really knowing I was afflicting the PMC discord, and I’m really sorry if my link sharing affected anything or anyone in PMC.
Governor in Rome.
Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
“To give up withought even trying is nothing but laziness”