I was Banned for Idoit

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    Current Username: Brassmonkey56
    Username when banned: Brassmonkey56
    UUID: UUID 64f562e2-daf0-4bcd-958a-9c389c679092
    Your punishment tracker link: http://bans.piratemc.com/
    Banned By: GodsDead

    I was banned for Idoit and yes it was a dumb thing to say and it was childish and useless. I have over 108 days on the server and I have lots of stuff I would love to continue on the server. Summer is almost over and I would love to continue working. Please. I learned my lesson I will never talk back to Godsdead ever again. I am so so sorry GodsDead. I didn’t mean it at all.

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    You didn’t talk back to me, I joined and you was rude to me for no reason and started attacking me, I dont think I have ever had a proper conversation with you and you just decided to be an asshole to me for no reason.

    Ill remove your perm ban, and locker you, don’t be an absolute asshole.

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