I want my old name back!

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    So just a day or two ago I was playing PirateCraft and I was talking to GodIsDead and he then gave me a new nickname FluffyBunny123 And now he is ignoring me and he wont give me my old name AidsPlays back and just today I got muted for asking for my name AidsPlays back by KellyYore so I was wondering if someone could give me AidsPlays back! please and thank you!



    Crazy Pirate
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    AidsPlays. That’s like CancerGames or STIgamerz. You really think staff are gonna change it back?

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    Well the Aids part plays off of my irl name Aidan so its AidsPlays instead of AidanPlays and my nickname irl for my friends is Aids so they cant take that right away from me

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    dude be happy u didnt get banned over your name, like other people have.

    maybe next time u’ll think “hey, lets not be named after a disease” -.-



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    I would love to be named FluffyBunny

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    Why don’t you ask yourself to be called AidanPlays instead?

    That way, you have your name & it may not cause offence.

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    B/c I dont spell it like Aidan I spell it Aydin but that just looks weird


    King Ben
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    Aids looks worse

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    The background or meaning behind the name is irrelevant, at the end of the day, it’s still an inappropriate name.

    AydinPlays is an alright name, it’s better than AidsPlays. Comparing AydinPlays to some of the other names that are out there… It would be one of the better ones. I mean, some deckhands that join just die all over the keyboard when they typed their name.

    Plus, FluffyBunny123 is adorable

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    Wait…you got the name “FluffyBunny123”?…That’s amazing.


    – May I have the nickname “Fluffy_Bear”? 😛 (My skin is a fabulous looking bear in a suit.)

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    If I where you I’d be thanking my good luck. Although your name is not meant in any way to cause offence and is based on your irl nickname, instead of punishing you (you must understand why it comes across as offensive) you get the honour of a great nickname. I personally would love to be called fluffybunny123 and I’m sure I’m not the only one. At the end of the day, its only a name. As long as it does not cause offence, does it really matter wether its Aydinplays, fluffybunny123 or anything else? Its just a means of identifying someone.


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    I love it, New account name. Anyways there have been worse names than AidsPlays, I mean seriously?

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Why not just change your name to AydenPlays like Max mentioned? I get that its your nickname irl but you gotta take some stuff into context so as to not cause confusion/offence. And personally, I like the different way of spelling Aiden, looks cool man.


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    I’m sick to death of you @AidsPlays

    1. You got off with not a single punishment for using an offensive username in game, that is not allowed, We all know you are full of shit; If you wanted your name you would have used your name and not Aids, But it does describe your sour aggressive personality down to a T, you deserve to be called Aids. usually its an instant ban, I was lenient and light-hearted with giving you a nickname, to keep it lighthearted but since you have:
      1. Caused drama over this; in-game related to this incredibly light-hearted, kind way of dealing you.
      2. Spammed me via PM and in-game.
      3. Now spamming the forums publicly… Continuing to be a menace and causing trouble.
    2. Ignoring you? Are you having a laugh? Oh im sorry im not online 24/7 in different timezones to bend over for little pretentious asshole children, that nickname themselves Aids. Twat. you have really dug yourself your own grave.

    Aids, you are atrocious; you have a disgusting attitude, and you need to read this:


    But because im such a good admin, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, you have one last chance before you are permanently banned, you have earned yourself 7 days tempban.


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