I got banned Please Help

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    Ben Walsh
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    I got banned for spamming and I am genuinely sorry about it. This was and is my favorite server and the only one I play on. If you let me back on I promise I won’t spam again. Again, this is my favorite server and I hope you let me play on it again. (P.S. My minecraft username is LieutenantSpock)

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    you sure it was not a temp ban? or where you spamming and advertasing? if its was spamming a server ip or something then theres no hope for you sorry 😛


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

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    Ben Walsh
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    How do I tell if it was a temporary ban?

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    well it should say what time you have left.

    “you have been banned for spamming” and bellow that “time left: xx:xx” (btw xx:xx means the numbers i dont know weather you have a temp ban or not and if you do i have no way of knowing how much time the temp ban is) msg a staff member that shoudl help clarify :/


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    Ben Walsh
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    Yeah it’s a permanent ban but all I was doing was typing random stuff. Please let me back on the server, I promise I won’t do it again.

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    well first off i’m not staff so i cant really do much (T-T) and second “all I was doing was typing random stuff” isnt gonna cutn it thats admitting you spammed now i recomend you talk to a staff member…..


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Ben Walsh
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    Well when I try to get onto the server it says I’m banned. Is there anyway I could get unbanned? I promise I won’t do it again.

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    What’s the ban message? Was it automatic ban?

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    Sounds like you were IP banned? Which means you were banned on another account?

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    it says hes banned when i do /seen maybe the punishment checker is a bit off….hes past name was endermanklr. did you change you’re name after you got banned? or right before? just too know


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Nah, Im sure he was auto-banned by GriefPrevention, it dousnt use the proper ban management, it uses the built in bukkit one, which means he bypasses being shown on the banmanger and also when I check it dousnt show up, seen shows him as banned for spam. He was auto banned for spamming over and over, but looking at his history in the punishment checker I wont unban you LieutenantSpock, you have warnings for racial slurs and spamming already.

    The spam system gives you a chance and you broke it.


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