I don't think this is fair.

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  • #16480
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    I don’t think this is really fair… All I did was kill a player 14 times, then he jailed+muted me for 2 hours, which was fair.


    But this? What did I do to you? I did nothing bad to you, against the rules, or to annoy you after that… There wasn’t really any reason to mute me! I was just AFK in cove trying to sort some stuff out with my friends.


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    I think it’s really fair you were not helping at all you were talking none-sense and spamming questions too godsdead….who was in stress already.you also made the chat hard to read.i was next to my brother trying to see wtf was going on and all i saw was you spamming…. and killing a player 14 times counts as harrasment you scum 😀


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    Crazy Pirate
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    You killed a player 14 times! Jesus…

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    I think its unfair you should have been Temp banned because if that’s not harrasment i dont know what is……I’m bepo the Polar bear and i aprove this msg.

    X Vice Minister of Recruitment of the B.E

    (Dr_solids brother)

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    I think it’s really fair you were not helping at all you were talking none-sense and spamming questions too godsdead….who was in stress already.you also made the chat hard to read.i was next to my brother trying to see wtf was going on and all i saw was you spamming…. and killing a player 14 times counts as harrasment you scum 😀

    Spamming questions?

    I remember asking 3-4 questions of GodsDead…

    Plus, I know it counts as harassment. That’s why I was jailed and muted for this. This is a totally different mute, before, I was muted for harassment, which I understand and was fine with but this. No.

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    I think its unfair you should have been Temp banned because if that’s not harrasment i dont know what is……I’m bepo the Polar bear and i aprove this msg.

    I was already muted and jailed for it gosh.

    This mute is a different mute.

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    Dude you only ask 3-4 questions but you kept asking them again and again not only that, you were like “when will the rollback start? we shoudl do a rollback,why not do a rollback? does the rollback reset my money?!” things that you could have asked another staff but you just kept spamming it and you did brake rules harrasment and not obay staff. it was anyoing too everyone and i agree with bepo 😛 @godsdead or @markusi13 plz close this


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    The only question of those that I asked was “does the rollback reset money?” and I didn’t spam them. I can show you my log if you wish.

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    sure show it….


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Here ye go!

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    TXT should work…

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