[host][crash] Server is down until host fixes server problems.

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  • #1951
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    I came home from work to see that claims were not active, these are the facts, I am repeating myself but people do not listen.

    – Claims and stats are stored on a separate server to protect against loss, It looks like this server is down.
    – The main minecraft server is un-responsive, the web-interface is unusable and im currently downloading Logs to see what the hell is going on.
    – When things like this happen its stressful enough without people acting the fool and asking absolutely idiotic questions, you will only make things worse, DO NOT BE SELFISH. While im on the case, when the server gets whitelisted, it is whitelisted for a reason, spamming the chat asking to be whitelsited in maintenance will now be punishable, If you want the server to be fixed, why the hell are you asking questions? taking up time? There is a Live chat on the website specifically to talk while the server is down. http://piratemc.com/chat/

    I need DETAILED information to scan the logs, they are hundreds of thousands of lines long, I need times and dates, If you can give me key information I can search for to make this quicker that would be better, for instance if you said something unique in chat before claims went down this would be helpful information I could search for.

    I Keep backups, so data should be fine, alas damage, looting and griefing its entirely on the players that have visited the server during this downtime.

    Updates will be in this thread.
    I will be on the live chat: http://piratemc.com/chat/ and I will be on our teamspeak server ts.piratemc.com

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    The crash occurred at 15:30 (GMT)
    I believe shiphoo was talking about a new pen for red sheep a few minutes in advance.

    This is all of the useful information I can think of atm, I hope it helps

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    Superb, thank you Tim.

    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
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    I werent talking about the new pen. I was talking about the sheep that ran away from the other pen.
    Something about a creeper exploding a wall.
    Anyways. The first crashes started to happen at that. Can’t remember the time though

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    Hi Godsy,

    Unfortunately, I can’t offer any additional info on the crash,… I apparently logged in right after the server rebooted itself from the first crash. After I confirmed that the claims weren’t working, I volunteered to post something in the forums to hopefully get you or Jon’s attention,…

    Since the server was repeatedly rebooting itself, I’m sure your error log is a mile long,… hopefully things get sorted soon.

    Thanks for your quick attention!

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    Right we are back up and there does not seem to be any damage, claims are back, Ive whitelisted some of you come in and help scan for problems. 🙂

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    Were back up, everything seems to be intact, maybe some loot/damage.

    I updated a bunch of plugin in the downtime, so please report any problems in this thread.

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    Or not, the server keeps crashing and restarting itself now.. No idea what is causing this.

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    the server is constantly cycling a stop and start for some reason, we can only do what we are doing to try and fins the faults..
    please bare with

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    So disappointing!

    Keep trying guys, we know you are doing your best!

    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
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    Alright just checking and confirming! I’m playing from a school computer and it seems that the server isn’t up.
    Just logged in and Gods is on. 10 min to 11 AM English time.

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    Well its now been offline an entire night, and I tried what they asked me to do, no luck. Its just stuck in an infinite loop 🙁 Logins last about 30-60 seconds before a restart.
    I have to work today, so the server will be offline during today too.

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    I think you should be the admin firecore, *resigns* this looks like the problem!
    This is the exact error im getting, What an odd bug! So hopefully a simple upgrade will sort us out and I can stop screaming at the host for this one.
    If this fixes It you’re getting a cake or something.

    Im at work until 4pm GMT and can’t upload anything from behind this firewall, so we will have to wait until then, If this fixes it, I will be ecstatic, been stressing all night!

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    Fixed. Back up!

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