Help test new version of the ships plugin now!

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates Help test new version of the ships plugin now!

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    I did some testing with the Developer of the ships plugin cccm5 last night and hopefully ironed out ships flooding and getting kicked off the ships! (26th June 2019)
    Which means we are ready to start testing again. You will need to be verified to post in here

    1. Make sure you are using 1.12.2, join PirateCraft and do /server test
      1. or you can use in your server list
    2. Test every aspect of ships you can think of.
    3. Report issues to this Channel!
    4. When you are done, use /server survival to get home


    1. All ships have a sink speed of 30 ticks, indiaman is slower at 40 ticks (sink speed to be tested and adjusted)
    2. Schooner has had its cruise speed and normal move speed doubled for stress testing.
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    Sounds fun. Hopefully this will bring ships into more use on the server.


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    Hopefully, not had any feedback yet. Very tempted to just drop it live and wait for the complaints of things that are broken.

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    I used dhow, schooner and a Galleon – no problems or anything ( except that /cruise didnt work ).
    My old Barracuda didn’t sail as it was made of stone, need to replace with sb to see if she sails.


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

    • Topics: 794
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    I used dhow, schooner and a Galleon – no problems or anything ( except that /cruise didnt work ). My old Barracuda didn’t sail as it was made of stone, need to replace with sb to see if she sails. Baz

    Was it a permission error with cruise?

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