Help I got banned for no reason

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Help I got banned for no reason

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  • #68625
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    Current Username: baconcat1912
    Username when banned: baconcat1912
    UUID: UUID (You can get it from
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Staff Name/Automated Console

    Unban Appeal   I was playing when it said i was cuffed then a few minutes later my wifi died and i got kicked. They then banned me for leaving upon questioning, but i never did anything to start with. Help.

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 147
    • Total: 154
    • ★★★★

    Hey there!

    As a general rule on this server, if staff think you are playing in a way that is against the server rules, we will ask you not to log out so we can ask you a few questions. I suspected that of you and asked you not to log out. As you mentioned – I also cuffed you to help speed up the questioning, but you logged out before I could do so.

    Sorry it happened to you – But if you log out while staff are questioning you, it is an automatic ban.

    – Atalantaa

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