Unban request

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  • #70028
    • Topics: 31
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    Current Username: KoruptKingIce
    Username when banned: KoruptKingIce
    UUID: UUID 2d088bd0-deb9-4b7c-84b7-57dda770cdd8
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?player=Koruptkingice&server=0&action=searchplayer
    Banned By: Taulov

    Unban Appeal: Hello, I know I was banned for Inappropriate messages. Messages like this were should not have been said at that time or ever. Messages like these were wrong for me to send although I did it anyways. I now realize this was wrong of me and I am hoping for another chance. I have waited the Three Months suggested by LEGO Then I had waited A Few more months as suggested by Taulov. I hope for another chance on this amazing server and im sorry for the harm i’ve caused.

    • Topics: 68
    • Replies: 481
    • Total: 549
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    What you did to get yourself banned from the server. Is unacceptable to say the least. It is something we do not tolorate at all. You will not be allowed back on the server in a long time. Till then we wish you good luck on finding a new server to be part of.




    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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