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    My Username: CreatingWithKass
    Player(s) Being Reported: Armando_Is_Death (Salazar_The_Dead)
    UUID: 5c64c202-1282-4af7-81d2-ba9bfb45463e
    Punishment Tracker URL: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=Armando_Is_Death&server=0
    Reason for Report (please select as needed): Harassment
    Overview Description of Report: Consistent Harassment
    Detailed Information:

    Since he joined, Salazar_the_Dead, or Armando_is_Death, has been consistently sending uncomfortable messages to me through PirateCraft’s game chat, and even on a separate server entirely. I’ve asked him multiple times to leave me alone, even mentioned that at this point the creepy messages are harassment, and he straight up told me ‘no’. I have multiple screenshots of the things he says to me, and it’s genuinely gotten on my last nerve. /Ignoring doesn’t help much at this point, as he constantly attacks me and my friends every second he’s online. He even claimed islands nearby and make a Wiki page on it JUST for the intent on attacking us, which he admitted (he’s thus left the islands so that he could continue to TP people and himself to attack us without using a /home). It’s gotten to the point that I’m tired of logging on when he’s online, so I have to scout in advance to avoid an interaction.

    Since I can’t fit everything I have on this one thread, I’m going to attach a Google doc. If this doesn’t work, let me know and I’ll create a separate thread to go with this.

    Evidence (EDIT: Verified by Mod, safe link):

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    That behavior is disturbing to say the least. I sincerely hope this situation gets sorted out and that you’ll be able to find some peace.

    i Amn just……….. a litle creacher. Thatse It . I Canot change this.

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    By all means you can just use the /ignore command but if someone is not following  (PMC) rules on other servers, then that’s not a reason for mods/admins to ban them of PMC.


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    While I agree with EnderSold, I think it’s also happened enough in PirateCraft to warrant something to happen. Creepiness shouldn’t and isn’t to be tolerated towards or by any of our players, and it’s imperative that we continue remembering that. We are a family-friendly server (to as much of an extent as a group of drinking, cursing, killing pirates can be anyway 😉 ), and this sort of behavior is not acceptable.

    Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    been dealt with


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