[changelog] Halloween crate is live!

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    Halloween is one of the favorite holidays for  a lot of PirateCraft staff, so we will be doing small events all over these few months.

    Get yourself to /warp cove now! you can left click on the crate to show its items and the chance drop for each one! All percent of drops is shown per item!

    Halloween So far:

    Today, the Halloween crate went live


    After still having Easters crate up this long! GrimbeardsBoneBox Halloween crate has some special things in it!

    • This is the first crate you can win a key for our next create that isn’t even out yet! For SmokeyRivers birthday she wanted a Harry Potter crate to celebrate her birthday and the upcoming new film on November 16th! so you are able to already win a key in preparation for that crate, the only way to get the Harry Potter Crate key is via the Halloween crate at present, there is no other way.
    • There are some custom heads in this crate as well as a ton of awesome items! you can view the crate and its drop rates by left clicking on it at /warp cove
    • At the initial launch 2 keys were dropped to a random person online every 5 minutes! We haven’t ever had drops this mental before, but wanted to kick off with a bang! This was reduced after a few hours to 2 keys every 15 minutes for 1 random person online, this will be the initial first day only, tomorrow this will change to 1 key every 1 hour, so get on now to be in for more of a chance to get a key!
    • You can buy 5x Halloween keys now! use /donate in-game or purchase from our Store page!

    Credit where Credit is due

    A massive thank you to Lawzoneon & Nahadoth who created the bulk of the Halloween crate! They were rewarded with a boat load of keys, please send your praise to them! Im hoping with a team to build crates we can get them out quicker than Easter->Halloween lol!

    I hope you like the spooky heads I added, it is Spooktober!


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