Gqldn Unban Appeal

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    Current Username: Gqldn
    Username when banned: Gqldn
    UUID: a2cf6cdb-97ba-48c1-8e5e-76ebfc2ff346
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Taulov (I think)

    Hello, fellow pirates! Earlier today, I attempted to log on to PirateCraft as I was just made aware that the server was back up and running. First and foremost, I would like to applaud Godsy and the staff team for their hard work and time spent in updating the server. I definitely did not expect the server to be back up so soon and I was pleasantly surprised and excited that it was ready to play this morning.

    However, as I attempted to log onto the server, I was shocked to see I had been banned for 4 weeks. The reason for my ban was shown as “staff disrespect and bad attitude”. I talked to several staff members over the course of the day and was able to piece together that the ban was over some comments I had made a few weeks prior. Now, before I detail what was said, it is important to note that this occurred on a private, 3rd party discord which was not related to PMC whatsoever. I was speaking to a close group of friends rather than PMC and the PMC community. As for the comments I made:

    I don’t remember much (as I’m quite sure that I deleted said comments shortly after they were posted), but essentially I made some very negative statements and accusations about LEGO. I’m not going to go into detail (as I don’t remember exactly what I said), but it was basically me joking about some very serious topics and what I thought of LEGO as a person. I will say that these statements are not even what I actually believe to be true about LEGO, but rather stemmed from a personal beef with him and wanting to condescend him as I was still salty. Unfortunately, I let my pride get in the way and I said these things that were way out of line. I did delete the comments after they had been posted, but somehow they got out and the damage had already been done. For that, I would like to apologize to LEGO for my abhorrent, wrong, and untrue statements. Being spiteful and malicious are not who I am, and I am ashamed that I have acted in such a way. I will strive to hold myself to higher standards of character, not just on PMC, but online interactions altogether.

    To the PMC staff team:
    Over the my multiple years on PirateCraft, I have gotten to know many of you very well. From my time spent on the build team and other projects, I have seen how much effort and hard work you put into maintaining the server and creating a fun, enjoyable environment for players. My attitude towards the staff has been positive and respectful. I even have the pleasure of calling many of you my good friends. Thus, the notion that I have been exhibiting “staff disrespect” is a bit confusing and quite misleading. That is just not who I am as a player and a person. Yes, I had a personal beef with a person (who is also a staff member), and I was in the wrong. However, I would not consider this to be “staff disrespect”, because I have nothing but respect for you guys and your position. I hope this label does not incline you to feel any sort of disliking or distrust towards me.

    To wrap this up, I would like to thank you if you made it this far into my appeal. The comments I made towards LEGO were wrong and misleading. I am very remorseful and ashamed. I hope that LEGO and anyone else who was affected can find it in their heart to forgive me. I humbly ask that my ban be shortened so that I am able to enjoy the server with my friends and explore all the exciting new biomes and features.

    Thank you for your time.

    ~ Leader of the Imperial Roman Empire ~

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    "Nobody can touch my swag"

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    i dont think they will be checking forums for  a while due to the glitches on pmc itself rn

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    Hey Golden

    Sorry for the late answer. The comments recently made was the drop of  the glass, your past behaviour, from before the shut down, was also taken into account. It is our hope you will take the of  this ban to think over your attitude. Your ban won’t be shortened you will have to wait this out.




    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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