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    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
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    Sorry I couldn’t find the old goodbye topic so I made a new one.

    So for a while I’ve been about to leave until today this happends: GodsDead and Markusi13 are testing plugins where one of Them suddenly males WantedRhino PVP log and lose his stuff. He lost his mind then and broke a truce that’d keep him, Mark and Me from killing eachother.
    I hereby claim to be off for an unknown amount of time. Maybe until the server gets creative world. Who knows? Anyways…
    Also I hope (quietly for myself) that this’ll keep WantedRhino from making players leave in the form of some sort of ban like Reaper said when Wanted made Adzybaba leave.

    Fair wins to all of you!

    Piratecraft tapatalk player

    Crazy Pirate
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    Bye shiphoo! You will be avenged 🙂 I didn’t know adzy left too, everybody’s going. Good luck with life man, you’ll be missed here! Bye… 🙁

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    You spawned a npc of me, killed it I died, then I hunted you down and killed you to get my items back, your fault.

    Crazy Pirate
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    No drama, please. He did this, he did that, its so boring, and theres never anything gained by it!

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    Come back you spoon.

    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
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    True it be drama!

    But I’m not feeling that pirate feelin!

    It ain’t possible piratin when there’s a Rhino like Wanted around!


    Crazy Pirate
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    Look, screw other players, whatever they do/say doesn’t matter, if they piss you off, kill them, simples. Not worth leaving over, you’ll be missed, and I don’t wanna see a mate leave. Just, sleep on it, please?

    Theshiphoo AKA Frederik
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    Sure. I’m probably too addicted to leave anytime soon.

    Crazy Pirate
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    We’ll, that’s good!Welcome Back buddy!

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    Gl with that shiphoo

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    lol wut

    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

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    Come on guys don’t be hasty, although we are respectful players. Things will always get angsty be in game or not. There will be grudges, fights, deaths and many losses. But all of this adds to piratecraft and this server. After all we are pirates right?

    Something will always happen that you don’t want, like getting blown up by a creeper 3 times in a row. That doesn’t stop you playing, just makes you up your game.

    This community is growing pretty damn nicely together. We need you guys to stick around.

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    So no more goodbyes yeah?

    Crazy Pirate
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    Well said, lets all do what supergl suggested, huh!

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    SuperGL That was Beautiful I’m crying.

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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