Getting rid tpa and tpahere

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    @BGraph I know he doesn’t want to have no tp in the primary area but that wont stop me from debating it with people who disagree with the idea

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    Ugh, as a player that’s played for a good while, I have seen so many posts like this. If tp was removed, y’all would whine for it back. If you don’t like tps then DON’T USE IT,   and if you’re being raided from people tping, get a better base! Simple as that.


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    not everybody wants tp for the lone reason of “we should all live together” some of us are actually considering how much more interesting it would be to have raiding party’s and trade routes, not to mention the use of ships. 


    i agree on the trading routes and raid party’s ad the hole no tp aspect it would be amazing and i really want to see trade routes come into play so the pvp crews can set up people in the way and have massive battles over supplies like in the real world

    i find a way or i make a way wether you like it or not

    baron of the travasen land

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    not everybody wants tp for the lone reason of “we should all live together” some of us are actually considering how much more interesting it would be to have raiding party’s and trade routes, not to mention the use of ships.

    i agree on the trading routes and raid party’s ad the hole no tp aspect it would be amazing and i really want to see trade routes come into play so the pvp crews can set up people in the way and have massive battles over supplies like in the real world

    I am glad to see that others share the enthusiasm on this subject.

    Ugh, as a player that’s played for a good while, I have seen so many posts like this. If tp was removed, y’all would whine for it back. If you don’t like tps then DON’T USE IT, and if you’re being raided from people tping, get a better base! Simple as that.

    People will always complain you shouldn’t let that limit the change you are willing to support

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    The only way to do the trade routes & no tp, no map is a new world, there is a big issue that I cant think of how to overcome though, thats griefprevention. People wont live on this other world unless they can protect their stuff, but this is the issue for two reasons; If they can set griefprevention:

    1. They can block off trade routes
    2. They can setup safehouses at intervals during the trade routes, not necessarily a bad thing, but they could have enderchests, or setup protected rail systems in between with enough players claims working together.
    3. Inventory will be able to be used from world to world, which means someone could collect all their precious material, and hold it up in this world in a vault; it would be hidden from the map, very hard to get to and the siege would be the same, there is no meeting in-between, there’s no balance, if it makes it harder to find a vault, then it should be easier to break in?

    Few things on my mind about this new world; its gotta have trade routes, as i’ve talked about in length before on the no TP thread.

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