Getting rid tpa and tpahere

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    I think getting rid of tp’s would make this server much more realistic and make the server more piratey. So people would have to travel to trade with people. This could make ships more used for larger trades and I think this would make it more fun for everyone. People can work on buildings, roads,etc. Then the people who like to attack can try to attack people who are going to trade. We would have to make it so you couldn’t drop items or put stuff in chest at cove though. Plz leave a comment of what you think about no tps.

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    Yuck, horrible idea! I managed to kill 12 people in the past week just from tpaing


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    That’s why I don’t like tps because how fast and easy it is to attack people. Also when I want to go raid I end up that the OP guy comes in and kills me.

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    Yuck, horrible idea! I managed to kill 12 people in the past week just from tpaing

    Your the reason we can’t have nice things.

    AGREED with Galaxy Teleporting in general has got to go but this is a Work in progress thing already 😛

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Please not yet! I support this idea, but I’m getting close to Carpenter rank and I wanna mess around with tpahere before it gets removed! Lol I know its kind of a stupid reason but seriously. Please. 😛

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    Also for attacking people it’s not like u have to travel the whole map there is warp west, warp north,etc.


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    This has been discussed multiple times.

    I believe that Godsy is planning on adding a world that has no teleporting (Don’t qoute me on that) and keeping the teleporting the same on the current world.


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    I understand that godzy  plans on adding a part of the world that is 100% no tp but I still believe that the server would be much better from the idea of no tp being added. Crews would be made of people from a area, sieges would be real sieges and ships have uses this world that we all have no tp is great but I think players couldn’t stand the idea because they are far to used to using tp for everything.

    Personally I think a way to get around the whole no tp weekend thing would be to allow donators or sailor+ to have like one tp a day or just cost money to teleport (apart from the main warps cove, spawn and the directional warps.)

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    This would be a good idea once the server actually manages to max 75 people so then many people from different timezones can defend at the same time.


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    I agree with koi and galaxy100%

    Yes tp’s can be very useful; showing someone your base, recruiting a new member into your country, being too lazy to hunt someone on the other side of the map. Each rank should be allocated a certain amount of tp’s per day. If you stay on the server and rank up, you get the opportunity to show others your base.

    It would also encourage crews to work more closely, and yet become more independent. You get raided and have no one to help you defend? You should have moved near a friend. This would help cluster Empires into regions of the map, and get people to help each other out. People always moan that some group of PvPers raided them, well then get a team and fight them off. These PvP crews know how to work in a strong team, people need to learn from them

    Ships. Before the ships were made slower, it took me about 30 mins to sail a schooner from cove to my port (about 2500 blocks ish). It was great! Ships were made slower, and people just left them docked up. Minimising tps means people might use boats a little more, speed ’em up and ta-da the seas will be busy again.

    Warps have been closed down already, they acted like a permanent player who just tp’ed in players to different parts of the world. A shame for business, but a good step in my opinion.

    And maybe the best news: wave goodbye to/back abuse drama. No more ‘you used /back’ or ‘why you tp in so and so’. The attackers can just use the straight forward: I walked here.


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    The main aspect of this server is supposed to be ships.. I honestly, have yet to see a pirate battle. This is because why would you take your ship out when the server is so strongly dependant on TP’s? I massively support this idea of getting rid of TP’s.

    Right now if someone is being attacked they just TP the rest of their mates in. Without TP’s there would be more fair battles, more revenge plots, more sailing with a big crew to do a huge attack, having to chase people across the seas to kill them. I just think there would be so many more fun battles and occurrences if we didn’t have TP’s.

    That’s my opinion anyway 🙂

    +-+ Templar - Squire +-+

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    1. When piratecraft first came about there was no TPA or TP, nobody played.
    2. This HAS been talked about many many many many many times on the fourms
    3. There is a plan already to create a new world where there is no TP, search the forums for the right thread, I hate repeating myself.
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    I hate how you people think that “we should all live together,” if this was an IRL war, we would. But since some people can’t come on the computer all the time, we won’t always be able to defend together! Not everybody wants to rebuild their massive 20 story house again. Not every wants to rebuild their cities near an ally.


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    I hate how you people think that “we should all live together,” if this was an IRL war, we would. But since some people can’t come on the computer all the time, we won’t always be able to defend together! Not everybody wants to rebuild their massive 20 story house again. Not every wants to rebuild their cities near an ally.

    not everybody wants tp for the lone reason of “we should all live together” some of us are actually considering how much more interesting it would be to have raiding party’s and trade routes, not to mention the use of ships.

    Also if its just you think most people don’t want this I’d recommend a vote although I believe gods has already done one, not sure though.

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    Read Godsy’s post…

    He says he already has a plan to make a new world that has tping disabled.



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