Finally Boatswain!

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    Wauw! 30 days playtime on Piratecraft! A very special day for me, i’ve been playing in 30 days now, and nothing is wasted!

    Thanks for a server worth playing 30 days on! 😉


    Here is some pictures from a dropparty made for celebrating the new rank! 😀

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    Aww. I hadn’t turned up yet :/

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    Congratulations! 😀

    The Queen
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    I remember when I tried to raid you as a deckie then 2 months later you killed me in God armor while I was working at evermoor! 🙂

    You grow up so fast 🙁

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Yay I’m famous!

    Congrats buddy

    -Lithvather, Knight Of Winter
    Slayer Of Darkness
    Do Or Do Not
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    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    The biggest achievement is when I finally get off Sailor lol.

    But congrats none the less 🙂


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    Creepermorderen, I have known you for too long, you own my house and that shows a great deal of trust I believe. I remember when I first met you, your claim was too big for cysteen and some other dude to enter your house and at that time I had nothing, so I was like, “Hey, this dude’s dark green, he must be pretty old then, I gotta help the old people!” anyway, I just kept teleporting to you and getting blown up. Ahh, death, it’s always so sad until you click that respawn button. Anyway, you told me I had to build my own house and boy were you stupid. Now I have this massive box 😀 It’s been nice knowing you and hopefully you don’t start killing me because you’re boatswain :3

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~

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