FINAL RULING on uses of /back

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    @GodsDead and I have discussed this at length many times. It continues to be a major source of confusion. So allow me to clarify:

    You may not return to a PvP battle with /back when you DIE

    We are currently adding only the above rule as it can be enforced via staff requesting client logs. There are many other uses of /back that both GodsDead and I feel are ‘undesirable‘; however, they are not strictly against the rules.

    There are a plethora of ways in which /back can be abused. I’m not going to list every possible use and make a ruling on it. If you are using it in a way you thought was against the rules a week or a month ago, then you are probably abusing it.


    NEVER do /back after PvP death, you will be jailed or have /back removed if you persist.

    If you are truly abusing it in other ways, you will receive a verbal warning from staff, listen to them and there will not be an issue.

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
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    ok so to clarify. when raiding someone or siegeing. you can /back to get more stuff like pots or dirt or what ever and come back. as long as you dont die?



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    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

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    Finally! This is going to affect combat on piratecraft more than the 1.9 mechanics… 😀


    Thanks GodsDead and MCShovel!

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada

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    this post should be linked somewhere in the rules

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    this post should be linked somewhere in the rules

    It has been penciled in for a while

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    @godsdead, I do believe that not many people see that link, or paying much attention to it, at

    it might be the reason that its at the very end of the page, or that it only says :
    If you wish to make some amendments to this page, please do so on the wiki.

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    @godsdead, I do believe that not many people see that link, or paying much attention to it, at it might be the reason that its at the very end of the page, or that it only says : If you wish to make some amendments to this page, please do so on the wiki.

    key word you missed from my message pencilled in.

    Here is the synonym just in case you are not aware of it:

    to arrange for something to happen or for someone to do something, knowing that it may have to be changed later

    The wiki is to allow players to adapt pages on the website for adaptation later to help me out, by NO MEANS does whatever someone writes on the wiki mean its rules to the server.

    It would be ludicrous to write down specifics for every do/don’t, absolut;y mind bogglingly insane, if I did it for 1 rule I would have to write out 2000-5000 other rules for every can I cant I, The wording for the main rules has been picked very specifically to be an overview of “Dont be a twat, and dont abuse anything”  For instance back abuse comes under rule 1 and 9. Adding specific rules to cater to the moronic isnt the right way to do it, its listed on the wiki for the stupid.

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