Fabulous Forty: News Edition: 40

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    PirateCraft Articles

    Forty Issues!

    Breaking news: I’m turning 40 today!!!!

    Ha.. Ha… No… Just Joking!

    But one thing we aren’t joking about is we have reached 40 Issues!


    [This just in, we cant afford a chicken party so… Use that imagination!]

    Well all jokes aside, both me and Mandarin are very very happy about reaching this number as it just goes to show that we haven’t bored the server to death… yet *evil laugh* We both want to thank all of you viewers, yes you, reading this article right now as it really helped the Articles grow and flourish like a pretty lil’ flower, we couldn’t of done this all without you and we are both really exited about what is to come! So thanks guys and enjoy this issue.

    If you post below how much you enjoyed this article then you could win a speed boat! Mabye… *not really*

    A Wave Farewell and a Welcome Wave, and Rep’s Pizza

    Two of piratecraft’s more well known players have been recently moving about more than atoms in a.. wait a min, i’m a pirate, what’s an atom (and where has the rum gone?)

    Lucky the Pirate has come back to pirate craft today and everyone is so exited to see him, but not in the way he might have hoped. Expecting warm welcomes he was greated with the commands to give Rep a time out for eating pizza in teamspeak – wait this is news..? – He promises to build a wall around the border of Rep and his endless supply of Pizza boxes. Keto had this to say:

    Keto: Lucky you better be back… Rep has been eating pizza and chewing very loud on teamspeak. It made captaincrackerz very uncomfortable and i could tell he was going to throw up. Whoop rep into shape for ketoh!

    On a more sad side of the news.. the player Wolf Soul is leaving piratecraft for the foreseeable future because of personal reasons. We will all miss you @WolfSoul !!!

    Clearly you’ve never been to Metropolis

    Konstrucktor’s city was attacked and badly raided by hackers yesterday and the city was badly hit by this, it is unsure if they will be able to fully rebuild and weather or not this will be a finishing blow to the once florishing city, we wish them luck. The hackers involved in the event were banned and there are rumours circling if loot and vital supplies will be contributed/returned to the city, it is unsure what will happen and we can only hope that they can rebuild. Konstrucktor had this to say:

    Konstrucktor: I thank you guys for your gracious comments, I’m going to continue forward & keep playing no matter what.

    Icanra’s Joke of the Week!

    The pirate captain Palmerageddon walks into a bar wearing a paper bag over his head. He sits down at the bar and orders some rum.

    The bartender asks: “Palm.. Why are you wearing a paper bag?”

    “Arr” He replies: “Well, as always… I’ve got a bounty on my head!

    [None this Issue because of inactivity reasons. To have your advertisement featured in the news, simply contact either Icanra or Mandarin over forums or in-game]

    Quote of the day: “Ready the gallows, load the cannons, and pray for the devil. The deadman is back.” Lucky – 2016

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

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    Wait do I STILL have a bounty on my head after being killed yesterday?!


    ( This joke is also going to be added to my signature area <3 )

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    xD U really liked my joke huh palm?

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

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    Haha tis be true on like Feb 19 for something

    And we wee all there and hearing him go “NOM NOM OH YAH” was kinda weird…

    Glad i got to be part of a News Report! Icanra <3!

    Founder of the Coalition

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    Icanra, I have news! I just made the best skin ever!


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    Haha, another ‘fabulous’ post Icanra. I’ll start helping you out with these news posts as well mate, you brought back what i thought would be a dead news program and for that I am grateful.

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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    hey reps pizza was scarring, worse than his singing 😛



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