F0RT Unban Request

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  • #83577
    MR X
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 1
    • Total: 3



    I’m writing to see if there’s any possibility of a second chance from my previous ban. The ban took place on 28/4/23 and was announced permanent. I believe in second chances, this was my first permanent ban offence on PMC, during my time playing on PMC I received zero mutes and a few minor bans, this being my first permanent offence.


    • Ban details 



    Banned by: Admin Taulov

    Banned on: Discord/PMC


    • Why I want to come back?


    I miss being a part of a great community, diving into new build projects. Creating monuments around the map, being a part of the servers history. I enjoyed interacting with members of the community and hope to come back a better me.


    I won’t sugarcoat my previous mistakes/actions, because it was outright uncalled for and inappropriate. I’ve grown from these past mistakes.


    • If you were to accept my appeal what would you see from me in the future?


    I wouldn’t dwell on the past, no bad blood. I simply want a fresh start and to finish build projects, as previously stated a member of the community again. I believe the best of us can have their ups and downs, it’s about developing, learning and most importantly growing from these mistakes.


    • Thank you


    Thank you for reading my appeal, hopefully you consider me back into the PMC community and revoke my permanent suspension into something less severe. I would like a second chance, but I also understand sometimes that’s not an alternative solution.


    All the best,

    sabrina (lazydog11)
    • Topics: 11
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    sorry your unban request has been denied, to much has happend in the past

    MR X
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 1
    • Total: 3

    I completely understand the staff’s decision, hopefully some day I can return to the community once again. Thank you again for taking the time to read my appeal, as I know there’s a lot going on the forums.

    Have a wonderful rest of your day,


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