Evermoor Re-build

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    I wish I got screenshots from before, We have had the most amazing server-project in a while tonight. So many people have worked together to start fixing up Evermoor for its future purpose which is still Un-decided.

    It was all hands on deck and we did SO much tonight, people are still building as I go off to bed! This is the current trustlist!

    zackbacon, name_change, Lucky77746, Sharknado321, DynamiteDrip61, FTB_player123, DirectorAnivian, Chailey, Deadking289, Firestar40001, saraphim7, KetoneLeone, WilsonManzer, Silverstone47, BaconblockpigLM, CallieMav, Dark_Tody, Sargent_Snubby, Ma_c_hi, shadowx2q2, QueenRep, smokeyriver, PresidentRS, vapecloudbear, browe454, captainvenoms, Markusi13

    I don’t think I have ever had that many people on a trust before! What an awesome build from everyone, lets keep it going!

    Im up for any ideas, just jump in, an fix it up! Make it amazing!

    Anyone that wants to start on its Wiki Page: http://wiki.piratemc.com/Evermoor


    Warp: /warp city

    Can I ask people not to loot/PVP in this area, as we have had such amazing progression, assholes will be dealt with!

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    good to see my old home back together XD.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    The Queen
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    Solid you disgusting individual I can’t even talk to you. You are a traitor commit treason but yet I look terrible. EVERMOOR was never your home for you bombed it with the British you only stayed there for 1 week still causing trouble.. You already know why im mad at you no need to show the people the dirty things you do.

    amazing! I am inlove with the fact everyone comes together to help rebuild and improve my once prized build. Everyone thank you cause without your help I would have remained ancient. Gods will I always be trusted?


    I’ll start wiki now cause not everyone knows it’s history.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    The Queen
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    I will one day make a city that is amazing just right now im saving money up for this major change.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    godsdead you still need a throne room and a <b style=”color: #222222; font-family: arial, sans-serif; line-height: 19.8400001525879px;”>barracks and also may I suggest you add a crypt network underground.</b>

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    @koi0001 Im not a main builder on the project, this is entire a community driven effort, if you want those things, get your pickaxe out!

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    Ive never had this, somehow the entire admin claim was deleted, it’s not in the logs and only an admin can delete it, so anyone have an idea of how it happened? It deleted so all the trusts were lost, good thing I wrote them in this post. Ive removed the warp until someone can explain.

    Smokey River
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    Well thats not cool. I logged off while i was there earlier and was wondering why everything was so quiet when I got back on. The only problem I could forsee would be a command typed in accidentally or a bug in the plug-in (but in theory that would affect all admin claims). Did it happen after a server restart??


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
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    @smokeyriver I don’t think it was manually deleted, otherwise it would have appeared in our new logs that I turned on a few days ago, So I can only assume it was some form of attack or a bug with the plugin, if it was a known attack then someone isn’t speaking, I haven’t ever had issue with this in the past, the only thing I can think of is that I have set permissiontrust in an adminclaim, ive never done that before, we tested deleting the claim as a permission holder it didn’t make any difference you still need to be an admin.

    Some assholes took advantage of this, They raided the supplies and destroyed the control building and claimed it! So keep an ear close to the ground, I want blood!

    Smokey River
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    You know I hate it when one immature ass ruins stuff for others (stealing).

    That could be why it may have glitches, you know bugs like to attack everything. I hope everything gets fixed though, thats gonna be a cool place when it is all said and done.


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
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    Ive re-added the claim, no idea why it disappeared, Reply to this thread if you want trust in it!


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    Yes please, Godsy 😀

    Crazy Pirate
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    Just to put this on here:

    Piguardian: Gods, can I have access to the community stores (this is in Evermore)

    Godsdead: Why?

    Piguardian: So, I can build my ship!

    Godsdead: Your ship?

    Piguardian: Yeah, my ship!

    Ggodsdead: Wait, you want to take from a community storage area, so you can complete personal projects? This is for evermore, not your ship!

    Piguardian: So…that’s a no, right?

    [Piguardian fell to his death]


    While it isn’t word for word, that’s the gist of the conversation. I was in tears.


    Smokey River
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    _Pig has no common since then i mean damn its not that hard to get materials to build a ship. Glad he fell to his death. I would not have even known how to respond to such a stupid question. Actually I don’t even know a good reply for that either.

    Also thanks Gods for opening it back up



    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
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    Yeah sweet, I don’t like this “Elf” stuff plastered all over the town, people are thinking that its going to be a town town, like with people living in it, I was thinking more of a place to hold events, or attack/defend kinda thing.

    Anyway, I threw up a bunch of signs in that building to the left of the store room for “things to do” feel free to add more signs.

    I added a new control room for the bridge and gate, and fixed up the outside one.

    Posting a back-thread for uses for the city all go here http://piratemc.com/topic/reptarias-city-evermoors-future/

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