[event] Halloween event is Live! [☠️ Use up your Halloween keys now! ☠️]

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  • #60197
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    About PirateCraft Halloween 2018 Event

    The Halloween event is live, Elite mobs will randomly spawn over existing mobs randomly and there are events that will trigger a Boss elite mob to spawn around random players at  event intervals, so watch chat for these Boss mob notifications. To go with this I doubled the spawn rate of normal mobs and their activation range to be back at default.

    • Elite mobs will ignore Spawners
    • Boss spawns are random, watch chat to find them
    • Working together against a mob with a team with god tier armour, will give you a stronger mob with better drops
    • Some of the boss mobs can move blocks
    • Mob drops are procedurally genreated and drops are also dynamic based on your current kit (What you are wearing and weapons), the people around you with their kit and also the level you are using with /ag
    • All commands for this event are found under /em, for example /em stats will show the amount of Elite mobs that have spawned in the world.
      /ag lets you level up and therefor create harder mobs with better loot drops.
      /em wallet will show you your Doubloon balance
      /em shop will open a GUI to sell the item drops to the shop for doubloons
      /em cshop will open a Custom shop for custom items that do not change
      /em cointop will show the stats for top Doubloon holders
      /em checktier will check a tier
      /em pay will allow you to pay someone with the doubloons
    • From what I understand you have to kill elite mobs and sell their drops to **/em shop**, this will give you Doubloon coins to spend in **/em cshop** (Custom shop) which are the coloured items.
    • We are testing this plugin LIVE, it was on the test server for 3+ weeks for players to test and make chances, but none happened, so since we hit October 31st last night, it was panic and a hell of a lot of confused people. When I say I need something testing, its there to be tested! So chances will happen regularly throughout the event, Join the https://discord.piratemc.com and talk in the channel #halloween-event, the entire staff & dev team has access to the configs to help search and change things as we see fit, not just me, I have been opening up a lot more recently to the community input into.
    • Once I get a proper understanding of the plugin & how it works, I will create a blog post, I need your help! So do report features that I need to add into the bullet points above as a forum reply or in discord.
    • Item Tier = main enchantment level + material type tier, in depth details.
    • I set the Max tier to 100, this will drastically change the plugin from right now (15:12 1st Nov) this will change EliteMobs and Their weapon drops

    Level 99 enchanted sword, are you mad!?

    Do not be fooled scallywag! I have set the “Max Tier” to 100, this drastically changes the Elite mobs plugins Elite Mobs and their weapon drops and ranking tiers.
    This is a key piece of information you need to know about the weapons mobs drop, their actual Enchantment levels are hidden and fake enchantment levels are written in the lore, so for example; ARROW_DAMAGE, DAMAGE_ALL & PROTECTION_ENVIROMENTAL can all have a max level of 99. Naturally spawning mobs Level went form max level 1500 to level 50,000, so maybe make sure you are kitted up with top tier Elite Mob drops if you see one of these floating about!

    Video explanation at the right timecode (wouldn’t let me embed) about Maximum teir & item levels from a technical standpoint

    At the weekend we may do a doubled spawn rate for the Elite mobs as a weekend event 🙂

    • Topics: 66
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    Lots of fun to have and extra things to talk about now!

    I hope this plugin can be used more often and for special events.

    • Topics: 794
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    • Use your Halloween crate keys now! The Halloween crate gets disabled Weds 21st November!
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