Donators: Automatic Item Sorting no longer sorts trapped chests

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  • #23567
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    Donators perk only.

    The developer changed how auto-sorting works with chests, Trapped chests no longer auto-sort, giving pirates an easy way to disable sorting for specific chests (or even all your chests, if you’re concerned about other players sorting them on open).


    A lot of donators are unaware they can /depositall in their chest rooms to quickly deposit their backpack into chests, all organized! (I’ll add this to the guide page now)

    /DepositAll finds nearby chests you can access and instantly deposits items from your backpack matching the items in each chest! (Doesn’t disturb your hotbar).

    Future Updates

    I asked the developer for a way to toggle the shift + right-clicking chests as I know it drives people crazy they cannot put blocks on top of chests as it auto deposits into them, waiting on his response.

    Edit: Updated Automatic inventory sorting guide

    • Topics: 10
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    thank you for telling me this I reported this earlier to calliemav. I guess I gotta figure out a new chest system tho ^_^

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