Djscales101 Ban Appeal

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Djscales101 Ban Appeal

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  • #66002
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    Current Username: Djscales101
    Username when banned: Djscales101
    UUID: UUID 49c58db3-9d7a-4af2-9f4c-1763e375132a
    Your punishment tracker link:

    Banned By: emielreijs

    Unban Appeal- Hello admins of PirateCraft, I was banned about 2 months ago for advertising and I regret my actions. When I got banned I had logged on for one of the first times, and decided to be an idiot and say the name of the server I came from even though I knew it wouldn’t end well for me. I now deeply regret my actions and hope you can find it in your hearts to unban me because I would like to enjoy this server with my friends, thank you for your time.

    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 36
    • Total: 39
    • ★★

    Hi, I have discussed this with emielreijs, and your appeal have been approved. He said to let you know that you are on thin ice, so be sure to only talk about piratecraft while you are here. Thanks and have a good day.

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