Disrespect to USE and other new/small crews

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  • This topic has 46 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Manda.
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  • #26454
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    From what I hear the USE is very unstable. My advice would be follow these steps.

    Step 1: Temporarily dissolve the crew

    Step 2: Seek advice from a good leader

    Step 3: Build the proper base for a stable government.

    Step 4: Build farms and a nice safe town or something you could relate to a super secure military base.

    Step 5: Recreate the crew

    Step 6: Set up the government

    Step 7: Recruit

    Step 8: Find mob spawners and make xp farms and enchantment rooms

    Step 9: Make god sets

    Step 10: Establish a economy within the crew

    Step 11: Organize a military

    Step 12: Your now a force to be reckoned with

    Find the xp spawner first and build your base around it. That helps for convenience

    Crazy Pirate
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    First: BE please stop whining the only reason we care about you is because you are our allies ally and your crew has been going down hill( Just because you have a large number of people that does not make you a good crew look at viper they only have 1 person!) Second: USE is keeping its name because if you even read the news pirates are still around today and in the 1800s there still were pirates and in 1776 the 13 colonies became the united states of america just look at this list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pirates Third: Our Crew government is fine and if i did not follow crew rules our. crew would be better if people didn’t have to act like idiots sometimes and lie about things (You know who you are) Forth: We need allies support but can still win our battles we have already one a battle against solis with only 2 allies in captain amour Fifth and final: We have never had a civil war, the only problems are caused by in real life members and noobs who are dealt with 100% of the time. Also the only people to get news about the USE from is either me or Galaxy

    I’m not whining, and I don’t represent anyone.I’m just saying, that, at the moment, your crew is giving off a bad impression, is being attacked by deckhands, and lacks clear structure, with no-one to lead it. While not all crews need leaders, an Empire most likely would need a government system, as would a group with a large number of players that acts as a state.


    King Ben
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    I’d just change your name really.


    It’s pretty darn boring being called the United States Empire, cause your basically calling a group of states which have been united becoming an ‘Empire’ which doesn’t make relative sense.

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    They’re not changing there name lol.

    Nicky and USE could co-exist peacefully I guess.maybe if they get their government right and structure, they might just be a legitimate empire. So lets give them a chance.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    “They might.” “I guess.” Seems like you have little faith in them yourself…

    Crazy Pirate
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    Scratch that. Also, you guys don’t help each other out. lol.

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    I have faith in them. It’s just everyone that doesn’t, and when I say might I mean they could possible get the political system of a empire right. USE has my full support.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    guess i kinda feel you, you got the support of the romans if you’re in trouble, bring in the small and make them bigger

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

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    I have been reading this and haven’t really been responding I would like to say we do have to xp grinders were just trying to make it for te crew b excuse it’s kind-of my base and we do have a small economy people can sell there diamonds gold and iron in a safer place and can buy a house in are town that has a whole defense system. And when we never get attacked by decky ‘s only once and he was a hacker. I will admit we don’t have the best government set up but It’s getting better each day so we’re not asking that u all respect us. We just don’t want to be criticized. Thx u everyone that has helped and supports are crew we couldn’t have got any where without you guys.

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    Well said Galaxy.

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    Galaxy, you’ve just had rebels if that’s not saying anything.

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    Palm…your making this thing hard. I hate to fight-well argue with you but…That Rebel was one selfish **** who was greedy and wanted leader, he was kicked out and killed and that was it. This is like the whole media hates Muslim thing…

    That wasn’t a rebellion that was one person who they delt with. End of.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    Your comparing the biggest empire in the game to Verussia

    Emperor of Rohan

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    Pig you don’t even know what this is about Lol.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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