Declaration of War against the EE

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  • #42653
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    The SeaGulls have officially declared war on the EE.


    -EE Leader Mr Teub persuades 4 Sea Gull crew members to join the EE and then loot the Sea Gulls.

    -EE members with the help of MadMonkey launch a siege on the Sea Gulls Crew Home resulting in massive repairs.

    -EE Leader Reptaria/Admiral Maddoxj70 loot former crew member Jammin Mas home before he chooses to leave the EE.

    I ask that this war be only limited to EE vs SeaGulls…The Gulls are not looking to go to war with any of EE’s allies as they are currently in good relations with the crew.

    Good Luck to EE


    A endermite kicked my ass

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