davidj123456 Ban Appeal – Hacking/Cheating – 4 Years Since Ban!

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests davidj123456 Ban Appeal – Hacking/Cheating – 4 Years Since Ban!

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    Current Username: davidj123456
    Username when banned: davidj123456
    UUID: bd5421d8-7378-4148-a9b5-1133065d5cb9
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=davidj123456&server=0
    Banned By: Markusi13

    I have to say, I’ve made countless appeals for this countless times. I have already said many times (and this definitely still stands if I get unbanned this time); this was my first offence, I did not have a history of cheating or of breaking rules. Similarly, I love this community and I just want to be a part of it again. If unbanned I can send daily screenshots of my mc folders, buy a ban appeal/donate, and just generally be a good member of the community. I do not have cheats and have not used cheats for the last few years, ever since my ban. It has been years since my ban and I will be willing to do just about anything to be unbanned and to be part of this community again.

    I can’t really say much else other than what I have said in my previous appeals. I was banned in 2015, and it has been 4 years since my ban! I highly doubt you have anyone who has been banned for so long who has been so actively trying to appeal and get unbanned. I hacked once, I ruined the server for a lot of people, and I am sorry. I understand you do not unban hackers, but I hope you can consider me as an exception since it has been 4 years since my ban, and I’ve been trying so hard to get it lifted! I have really changed over the years and I am now much more mature. I have a large community of friends who play here & want to play here, all of whom can vouch for me and would like to see me back on the server!

    Thank you for your time!

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    You have been unbanned, your welcome back, be good and stay out of trouble!

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    Could I pls be unbanned from the discord too? My ID is davidj123456#2334

    Also, please note. My irl friend, Gruffalol, was banned at the same time as me because he was playing with me on my IP at the time. He has never made an appeal. Similarly, both him and I tried to ban evade the day I was banned (basically appealing within the server) on a number of alts including denisant1234, BaronTemplar, GForcePvP, xXWOTMANXx. I recommend both my irl friend and these alts remain banned (as it is fair), but pls don’t accidentally ban me for ban evading when I join the server. Markusi banned these alts the same day as my main, and added the ban evasion punishment to this account (originally the ban for davidj123456 was meant to be 365days I think, but it was increased to permanent for ban evasion).

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