Dark Green name

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  • #50323
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    Today i have seen that my donation ran out. But i have not got a dark green name as the others that have donated to the server.

    View post on imgur.com

    Thanks for your time


    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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    I’ve also got this problem, captaib rank has just expired.

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    You donated before we moved permission systems.

    Therefor, the commands run on expiry were for the old plugin, this is shitty design by buycraft with no way to update existing commands to run.

    Manual is the only way, I will manually set it for you Taulov and @Iridus 🙂

    in-case you were considering donating again, we do have 10% off everything at present with the coupon code salazarsrevenge do take advantage before it expires on the 31st!

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    I also had this problem, as I also donated before the overhaul. Please may you set it to green?

    IGN: _Melior_ (Only a matter of days until I can change it, thankfully. Hate it deeply.)

    Nevermind, it was resolved in game. Thanks.

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

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