danielboone5 glitched into my base

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  • #60590
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    My Username: GingfulGlider

    Player(s) Being Reported. danielboone5
    Username: danielboone5
    UUID: b9f6b6bc-b917-4ff5-889b-02c7266301fb
    Punishment Tracker URL: http://bans.piratemc.com/danielboone5

    Reason for Report (please select as needed)
    breaking rules, cheating, glitching,  exploiting,

    Overview Description of Report
    Basically, danielboone5 used a boat to glitch into my base, and kill me when i wasnt looking, my base is a box it is impossible to get in or out of it i have checked many times.

    Detailed Information
    Tanielboone5 boat glitched into my base (you can boat glitch through 1 block thick walls apparently) and tagged me before i logged off considering I thought it was an elite mob (There’s no way to get into my base so what else would it be?) and that killed me, i had numerous valuable items on me worth about 12k in total (frostie god set god bow potions epearls ender chests ect.), I would at least like something back considering he got it in an illegal and where it clearly states in the rules (as clear as day):

      <li style=”list-style-type: none;”>
      No hacking, cheating or exploiting glitches. No client mod(s)Do not hack, cheat or use glitches Do not use any minecraft client modification (Apart from Optifine)If you find an exploitable glitch, contact a staff member.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Key words:

    use glitches, 

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