Custom Cannon design competition!

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    @lostsilver13 They look good as long-guns, and would work well in turrets for ships, or larger ships/land attacks.

    I have quite a few designs myself, but the key cannon we need to put out is one for cadets, So are we using brown wool or clay?

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    @GodsDead I would use brown wool for the rusted cannon so it is easy for cadets to get.


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    I saw that gods posted the picture of the Tsar cannon, so I made the Tsar cannon. deal with it.

    (the back is a bit derpy because in the image there was a wheel in the back so i tried to make a small wheel.) This thing should pack a punch!

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    I also came up with another idea for a cannon: The Puckle Gun!


    It was basically a flint lock gun turned into a revolver. It was designed in 1718 and what made this gun very special is that it fired two projectiles, a round and less painful bullet for Christians and a square and more painful bullets for Muslim Turks. the reason for this is to show the Muslims the “benefits of Christian civilization”. Just to be clear that was a quote from the patent, not my own words.

    Game play wise it could be used as a weak but cheap and rapid firing cannon or we could replace it for a Chinese Huochong which were basicly small bamboo cannons. I designed one for both of these but I’m a bit to embarrassed to  post the pics…


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    Nice! Show Dr.Solid who’s the boss!


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    @captainvenoms haha

    I think it would need to look more like a cannon that Puckle Gun, the problem is minecraft blocks are big and bulky, we can upsize it, It would be good to have a rapid fire cannon type thing that does hardly any damage, Then again we can already do this with a rapid firing dispenser!

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