Custom Cannon design competition!

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    We have the ability to create custom cannon designs with insane control over how that cannon works and what projectiles can be fired from it, The first step for a new cannon is coming up with a design!

    There are three types of cannons I can think of implementing  that need designs.

    1. Land mines
    2. Giant big Bertha type cannon
    3. Multiple barrel cannon

    To enter your cannon design, please screenshot and upload to this thread, the cannon also needs a name and a small description.



    Crazy Pirate
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    Land mine is a lapis block, with a redstone torch beneath, and a pressure plate on top. A variant of this is a seamine, which has a lapis block surrounded by fence posts. Gold blocks need a use, so maybe the big bertha has to be gold block, iron block, gold block, iron block, etc….

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    One clarification… do you mean tnt cannons or cannon-plugin wool cannons…

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    Landmine- Uses Red sand with a redstone torch above and detonates  when walked on

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    One clarification… do you mean tnt cannons or cannon-plugin wool cannons…

    The plugin for cannons, wool, iron & mortars are our current cannons, we have the ability to create custom designs for some new cannons.

    Landmine- Uses Red sand with a redstone torch above and detonates when walked on

    The redstone torch would need to be clicked to it to detinate, the top will have to be a pressure plate, also this would conflict with normal designs, if someone just put down a redstone torch onto red sand it would be an auto cannon!!


    Alex Lazescu
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    Athen’s Really Really Long Thingy Majiggy That You Should Probably Read.


    IDK how cannons are generally made in game, so screenshots are just rough ideas.


    Right, for a multi-barrel cannon, we can perhaps add in simply, the “Double-barreled cannon”.

    “Historia!”- Planned in 1718 by Antonio Petrini, tested and designed in 1719, unsuccessfully. Brought back 20 years later by some French guy, tested it and re-designed it successfully, the dude ran out of money. ( Lol, fail. ) Brought back nearly a hundred years later during the American Civil War, tested, failed, blew up lotsa guys, gov . turned it down, and that was the end of it.

    The original design was simply a cannon with two barrels attached to to a regular old carriage, so it was easy to manufacture, but it was really unreliable and inaccurate, except when used at close range with puck shot.  So basically, it was a big shotgun on wheels.

    For MC: That can mean perhaps two iron cannons one block apart connected by fences, with a large carriage.

    The cannon’s barrel was also really short so instead of the standard three blocks, we can have merely 2?

    Again, multi-barreled cannons were really really just experimental, never actually being tested.


    First screenshots with wood thing is the carriage, idk if thats actually needed with the plugin,  the third and fourth screenies are the skin and bones of the cannon.




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    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    Alex Lazescu
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    Athen’s Really Really Long Thingy Majiggy That You Should Probably Read.

    PART II! :D:D:D

    Did some more research: turns out the Indians, Polish, Poles, Polandians? Idk.. the dudes from Poland and India apparently were developing cannons with 6, even 8 barrels! They were mostly used for artillery and the actual barrels were quite small so I would guess that they were probably used for suppression, not really to make big booms and blasts, but to constantly pepper the enemy with grape shots and such.


    For MC: Im thinking something with Diamond Blocks as a base, and perhaps something wierd for the barrels, because the barrels on these kinds of cannons were really really small, but numerous, so maybe clay pots? Fences? Idk Im going to go test some things and you guys look at these screenshots..




    Also: I just though of an really cool idea for a multi-barreled cannon, It’ll be the last screenshot. 😀


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    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    Brining this topic back alive as I finally figured out how to make custom cannons work!

    So Put your designs in! I have a dedicated area at the cove ready for builders, this might be the best place to build them.

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    What about a old rusted cannon for sailors/cadets. It could be weak, heavy and take only cobblestone as ammo, have poor accuracy and range, yet it would give beginners a weak cannon to use that could allow them to have ship battles. If beginners had cannons they could use at cadet or sailor we would get more people joining and staying on the server.

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    @lostsilver13 This is exactly the kind of cannon we need! A rusty cannon! Love it! do we use brown wool or a dark clay? Brown wool would be easier to obtain, It could also not have auto-load and not be fireable via redstone, as those are only avalible later on.

    Also If I make it need a sign, that way we wont have any issues with them on ships!

    Rusty Cannon it is, I love this idea. Its going to fire so wonky.

    Crazy Pirate
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    How about a poorly constructed cannon? If a certain mistakes are made, such as wool colour, types of buttons, or other, the cannon explodes when fired. This could be done by creating multiple cannons, with varied mistakes. Cadets are told “trail and error makes the best cannons”!

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    Nah, It takes a lot, and I mean a lot of setting up per cannon, perfect schematic & 2 configuration files per cannon, We will have examples, Writeups in a book and the website to tell them what material to use.

    I think all we need is: a Cannon for Cadets, Sailor gets the default black cannon, then we add in More powerful longer versions of the black wool and iron cannons.

    So a 3 & 4 length Iron cannon, and a 4 & 5 length black wool cannon, Ill drop the accuracy on the current black wool and improve it in longer barrels, but the longer barrels take longer to fire and/or require more gunpowder.

    We have many other options, Such as the barrel has to cool down first, water can be used, Barrels have a chance to explode, You have to clean the soot out the cannon first etc etc.

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    I have experience with the cleaning out cannons part and I must say I personally hate it… It is more realistic but it is super annoying.. with everything turned on it takes about 7 minutes to make 1 cannon, clean out the barrel, load the barrel, push the projectile back into the barrel, aim the cannon, and then fire, then it cycles back to cleaning out the barrel and etc. You would need a ton of people to operate a ship with multiple cannons which sometimes is impractical on PirateCraft

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    Yeah, its very impracticle for a small payoff, but if we had a cannon of this size:

    That could take out an entire island, then it would need a lot more effort to prepair and fire.

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    @GodsDead I think that making cannons longer would make them look a little odd, so what if we switch the torch to a redstone torch instead, that way it saves space on ships and is better than a normal black wool cannon with a torch.

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