Cove: Ship building contest #3!

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  • #16305
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    Ahoy me hearties!

    The Cove is in need of some new auto-generating vessels, At present we only have schooners at /warp ships, This is a competition for 4 Dhows (Max 150 blocks) to be created for our new docks at /warp ships. The winners will be turned into buy-able ships for the entire server to purchase.

    The main reason we are pushing Dhows is for lower ranks to be able to buy a ship straight away and sail it out of the cove! This also means we can run the no Tp weekend event with everyone able to buy and sail ships!

    A big thank you to @Calliemav and @smokeyriverfor for building the second set of docks next to /warp ships ready for people to build entries in, To apply; reply to this thread, and I will allocate you a dock number to build in, we have plenty of dock space in the center of the cove too, so there are more than these docks available.


    • All entries need to be Dhow size (150 blocks max)
    • Ships need to be Pirate Era themed
    • Ships need to be sail-able
    • You can work solo or in teams, prizes will be split between teams.
    • The ship needs to fit inside the given plots, so they will fit inside the docks, make sure they don’t touch the docks!
    • I want detailed, furnished ships, I hate empty shells of ships, if you want some inspiration check out Tims giant Indiaman behind the brewery “The rusty keg” at the Cove, you can get to it through the bar now too.
    • Ships need to be named after flowers, here’s a flower glossary. Tip: make the sail colour match the flower name.
    • Supply your own resources for building, you can lock a chest in the dock you are given to build! 🙂

    Prize Per ship that wins

    1. Gets to be a buy-able ship at the cove by anyone, This means it will be seen as a “default” ship for PirateCraft, It will be listed on the webpage with the other buy-able ships.
    2. £500 in-game
    3. 500 Claim blocks
    4. Open to more ideas (reply with your entry)

    How are the 4 winning ships picked?

    Staff will pick the winning ships.

    How To enter?

    Reply to this thread with the following information.

    • Builder(s) Username:
    • Estimate time for building:
    • (Optional) Screenshot of Ship building example:

    This contest ends, when we have all 4 of the Dhow docks filled up and working!

    Location of Plot’s to build and their numbers:

    • Topics: 5
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    Seems interesting, I will probably enter! 😉

    Crazy Pirate
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    Yeah, me too!

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    Me too 😀

    I'm the General of the British Empire. (yep, that happened)

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    Builder Name: gottalovepunks


    Time: A few hours (2 or 3)


    Pic: Don’t have one

    I'm the General of the British Empire. (yep, that happened)

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    @skizzors44 @CrazyPirate1 Denied, none of you used the correct form.

    @PunkyPunk Dock 2.

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    Builder Username: PaulOnFire
    Estimate time for building: 1 or 2 hours with materials prepared
    Screenshot of ship building example:

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    Builder Username: PaulOnFire
    Estimate time for building: 1 or 2 hours with materials prepared
    Screenshot of ship building example:

    How long do we have to complete the ship construction? I am pretty busy this week.

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    Cool stuff, good luck all.

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

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    @PaulOnFire Dock 1 & Dock & Dock 8


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    I would like to “request” dock 5

    Estimated time 1.5 hrs.

    No pictures

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    I find the flower idea a little odd tho…

    Crazy Pirate
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    Builder(s) Username: CrazyPirate

    • Estimate time for building: Depends on if resources are provided, not long if they are prepared before construction, perhaps 2 hours?
    • (Optional) Screenshot of Ship building example: Meh, later?
    • Topics: 82
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    Builder(s) Username: DirectorAnivian
    Estimate time for building: 1 – 1 1/2 hours
    (Optional) Screenshot of Ship building example: Don’t have one… sorry

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 5
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    • Total: 23

    @skizzors44 @CrazyPirate1 Denied, none of you used the correct form. @PunkyPunk Dock 2.

    Lol, that wasn’t my entry. 😛

    I dunno if I’m gonna enter now, since you denied me. xD

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