Contt’s Unban Request + Apology

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  • #83164
    Shivendra (ContDJ)
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    Current Username: Contt
    Username when banned: Contt
    UUID: UUID 67e456e5-b364-4774-b627-9b00b05292d5
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Taulov

    Unban Appeal

    A while back I was being a complete jackass by lying about ddosing the server and creating lag machines. At the time, I thought that was the best way out to focus on my exams and not be addicted to PirateCraft. I have since realised that I miss PirateCraft and all of its values, as well as the memories I have created during my years in PirateCraft. I have since changed, I am no longer the jackass that I used to be, and seeing my friends joining PirateCraft and having fun makes me want to also join them and have fun.


    I am also aware that I have been particularly mean to Rear Admiral Taulov for rejecting my Helper/Media appeal at the time for something I did that I shouldn’t have done. For that I would like to apologize. I do not expect him to accept me back as his friend because of how much mean shit I said to him, but i do want to apologize for my past actions since he was doing his job.

    I am also aware of how much staff time I have wasted in a short period of time by being incredibly obnoxious, stubborn and mean to other members as well and I sincerely apologise for that as well and I understand if my punishment stays the same

    Once again, I do sincerely hope that you give one final chance to get unbanned, if ever I was being obnoxious, you banning me will be the right choice

    Discord: ContDJ#1553
    In-Game Name: ContDJ

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    I’d like to say that I have been in contact with Contt via discord over these past few months and he has expressed a lot of regret over his actions on the server as his attempt to make himself concentrate more on his exams, which led to his ban. As I am ungergoing my exams at the moment I know how hard it can be to have to stop yourself from opening up minecraft when you’re bored to enjoy some time with your friends and I think this may have been his way of making it easier for himself… but it went too far.

    I think Contt has changed over the past few months and I do think that change is for the better. He’s offered to help me with many projects that I have planned for the server and I believe he is much more politer now that the stress of his exams are out of the way. Contt is now a character that is much more helpful. He has made mistakes in the past which he shouldn’t have but now, since he knows what it is like to be removed from the community, the server and many of his previous friendships, I think he is unlikely to repeat his actions again.

    I genuinely think Contt has become a much better person over the last 6 months and I think he deserves another chance to set things right with the people he pushed away again. I think it’s quite unlikely that he’ll relapse and pester the staff team like he did before and I think he’d like to prove that to them. Either way, it is up to the staff team to decide.

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    You have been unbanned, however your punishment tracker aint clean, i know a few of those bans are requested, however this is your very last chance.

    If you missbehaves again or wasts staffs time you will be perm banned with no chance to come back.




    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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