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  • #15326
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    Well this is good bye athen,i never got to have that fight with you :I,here is a photo that neither Zoro or crazy want the world to see…..take it as a good bye gift and also something that you wont get to see in the server but that will happen weather people like it or not.


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    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Well damn. I didn’t see that coming. Nice playing with you, Athen. Sorry you had to learn the hard way :/

    Owner of Port Laconia (warp market)
    British Empire Chief of Police

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    Can I clear up this thread/ban is nothing to do with schematica, the thread went off topic. The IP of a hacker was banned and Athen was banned as a result as this was an alt account he was using to cheat.

    If you look at previous ban history you will see a previous temp 3 day ban for using a hacked client on the 17:43:23 09/08/14, this was a warning shot.

    Athen its extremely sad to see you go, but we can’t have people using hacked clients with alts on the server, it isnt fair to the community.

    I would like to quickly celebrate Athenmos‘s insane Leaderboard statistics, topping nearly all the top statistics of all time.

    Athenmos Statistics end with:

    • 30d:13h:15m:31s Playtime
    • Ranked 2nd Of all time for items crafted at 23066
    • 4th for Server joins at 2552
    • 5th for damage taken at 471593
    • 5th for times kicked at 192
    • 9th for on fire at 3271
    • No 1! For most words said on the server ever! 512721
    • 10th for commands done on the server at 52524
    • 10th for items picked up at 444774
    • 2nd for items dropped at 146881
    • 1st for arrows shot at 25029
    • 2nd for items crafted at 23066
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