Claim Report: RoMich02, mikimoosey, SupremeLenin

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    My Username: Astrobolt

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: RoMich02, mikimoosey, SupremeLenin

    RoMich02: 829719267a944df384fa7b3ea6970eb2

    mikimoosey: 04a2196c09b9458f94a8763396478667

    SupremeLenin: 380e639afd63449db5bba79d6cbd019c

    Punishment Tracker URL:




    Reason for Report: Creating a claim within eyesight of my own, likely with the intent of raiding


    This happened around 4:15pm US EST on September 19, 2022.

    Today RoMich02, mikimoosey, and SupremeLenin were building a ship approximately 100 blocks from my main base in what RoMich02 described as a “blockade.” This is illegal for two reasons. Firstly, it is within eyesight of my base, as shown in the provided screenshots. I asked Ae0n earlier what the minimum distance between bases was as I am planning to build another base in the near future, and she said the requirement was that it has to be out of eyesight of other claims/bases. Secondly, I believe this was built with the intent of being used as a raid base. I am unaware of if any of them have sethomes there currently and have no way to verify it myself (and if they do, I imagine they will delete them after seeing this post), but given that my crew, NRWHL, is currently at war with CSN (RoMich02’s and mikimoosey’s crew), I find this extremely alarming and not coincidental at all. While RoMich02 has stated it is a blockade, I believe that his new, already illegal claim will further be used for illegal purposes by aiding in teleporting him and other rivals to within 100 blocks of my base for raiding purposes.


    For clarity’s sake, the claim that the ship is in belongs to RoMich02; mikimoosey and SupremeLenin (and RoMich02) were involved in building the ship. I only have evidence that RoMich02 owns the claim; I saw mikimoosey and SupremeLenin there on map but did not think to take a screenshot at the time, however I am sure there are logs showing the three of them teleporting to each other at that location.


    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
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    This is being dealt with


    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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