My Username: PIPPIP5789
Coordinates: 48 53 663 / 48 53 660 (In the Nether)
Claim owner: KingKuma / Ma_c_hi
Time the Claim owner has been offline: 1 year 3 months 7 days
Claim Size: 132 / 143
Reason: There’s a blaze spawner here that I’d like access to, and as far as I can tell, it’s the only one in this fortress. There’s 2 claims here, right beside one another, and while I can get KingKuma’s time offline, the server doesn’t recognize the name Ma_c_hi.
Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.