Claim Removal Request

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  • #63957
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    My Username: Crabslayer101
    Coordinates: X:3,699 Y:69  Z:2,789
    Claim owner: Wise_Guy9
    Time the Claim owner has been offline: 1 month 19 Days 5 hours.
    Claim Size: 32 x 47=
    Reason: Empty claim that has been around for longer then 15 days. Offensive material is also built directly next to it but not inside the claim.

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    Removed the structure.

    Give @Wise_Guy9 some time to maybe come back and finish what he started.

    If the claim is still not used in a while, ping me again.



    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

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    Can you give me a rough estimate of the amount of time I should wait before contacting you again?

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    he has a high rank and is a long time player so we dont just take claimes away from them. Its not realy cool if you go of for study/school and come back and your claim has been removed. You wil have to have wait or try and contact him your self .

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