[changelog] Slight server-list icon change & server icon per host

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates [changelog] Slight server-list icon change & server icon per host

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  • #59933
    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    I was working on fixing the server icon showing for additional hosts, I figured it out, but while I was at it, I did a slight change to the server icon: adding a gold-bar frame around it to make it pop out a bit more instead of blending in.

    I also made a new server icon to test setting server-icons on the fly for the test host test.piratemc.com, which you can see below:

    • Updated server icon
    • Gave each hosts domain its own “Whos online” when you hover over the online player count, so you can see a random list of 5-10 people online say on the hub/creative.
      • Reminder of all the hosts we have:
        mc.piratemc.com (Main one dont remove this)
        pvp.piratemc.com (direct to the pvp server)
        hub.piratemc.com (Direct to hub/creative)
        creative.piratemc.com (Same as above, will later on go direct to creative when its its own server)
        test.piratemc.com (Test server)
      • Updated the banned user message in the server-list (No idea if this works)
      • Fixed the outdated server message when conencting with a different client to 1.12 or 1.13

    I know people don’t like change and Markus has already told me he doesn’t like it, so you wont hurt my feelings if you want it switched back to the old one, its now possible for me to swap them on the fly without rebooting, so I will be able to have event/seasonal favicons.

    A lot of people like the actual screenshot of the pirate ship as the logo, so if we were keeping with this theme, we could have a halloween version of a ship in the nether? Winter we could have a frozen ship covered in snow? anyone want to see if they can get some awesome shots? The icon is 64×64.


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