[changelog] Harry Potter Crate for Fantastic Beasts 2: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates [changelog] Harry Potter Crate for Fantastic Beasts 2: The Crimes of Grindelwald

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  • #60414
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    Around the time of when the Halloween Crate was being made, @Lawzoneon took it upon himself to make a Harry Potter Crate for SmokeyRivers birthday, We waited until the release of Fantastic Beasts 2: The Crimes of Grindelwald, which is tomorrow, Nov 16th to save this crate as it’s a very random oddity to have in the PirateCraft world I know! So for those that are fans of Harry Potter, there is a new crate available now at /warp cove, its in a different place to the normal one as the Halloween one still stands for people to use their keys, so its on the shore, with Harry standing next to it, you cant miss it.

    • Keys that were dropped from the Halloween crate named “smokeyrivers soul” can be traded next to harry for the new keys which are named “alohomora” aka the spell to open locks
    • You can buy keys by using /donate in-game, I haven’t put them on the store yet as im not sure how long we will keep this crate
    • 2 keys will be dropped every 30 mins to 1 player online

    Bonus Comic

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    Im already tracer tho

    Keep you'r friends rich
    and you'r enemies rich
    and wait to find out which is which.

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    Im already tracer tho


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    nerf bastion

    Keep you'r friends rich
    and you'r enemies rich
    and wait to find out which is which.

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    The film was rubbish to be honest.

    It legit was “your related” “your related” “your related” your not related”.

    I was there for the beasts to be fair, idc about the support cast other than Newt because he’s legit the only character I really like in HP (tbf, if I had to choose any job, i’d do his).

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