[changelog] Cove update, New server canal

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates [changelog] Cove update, New server canal

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    I’ve hijacked the changelog forum from Godsy (shhh, don’t tell him!)

    Survival Changelog:

    • Updated the area of cove behind the log selling area (next to big ships)
    • Moved existing ships around
    • Removed bunch of ships stuck in cove/trapped
    • Added new ‘historic’ ships to cove – these can be found behind the log selling area in the big ship dock:
      • Moved the Sovereign (sov) ship to cove as a semi-permanent display for all players
      • Moved The Raven ship to cove as a semi-permanent display for all players

    • Added new ‘Western Canal’ joining the small ocean in the west to the main ocean
      • It has been admin claimed, but the walls and floor are not quite finished
      • Ships can be moved freely through it


    Ship Battle Changelog:

    • New arena under construction and should be done by july/in time for summer holidays
    • New projectiles are currently NOT allowed in battles – includes new diamond projectile
    • Next battle this Saturday, full post: https://piratemc.com/groups/official-piratecraft-ship-battles/forum/topic/ship-battle-9/

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    what battles

    The turtles will rise...

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    YES Max!

    I think the builders are scared to work on the Cove/Public areas and post updates, if youre a builder you are allowed to just build/expand on the cove, just make sure to post updates!

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