Build Of The Month

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  • #412
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    To keep things interesting and competitive in our pirate world, Build Of The Month is up for grabs!. Just submitting screenshots of your builds just has become more than a novelty. This could range from the most basic to the complex, the obscure….. well anything really, as long as it’s cool (i guess). I’ve been given the privilege of being the server photographer!, which means ill be snooping around with my shades on snapping shots. So If you think you are in the running of BOTM, message me and ill take some shots and you’ll be in the competition.

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    Land ho!!!

    So it’s coming to the middle of June and within a few more days I’ll be scouting for build of the month. Does your build have what it takes to win build of the month? Do you have something secret you want to show off?

    Get in touch and I’ll come and add you to the list of becoming June’s build of the month. Every monthly winner will be added to Build of the year! Where we may be able to offer some prizes. Oooooooooohhhh!

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    Addition prize ideas:
    – 500 free claim blocks
    – Wear any block as a hat for a month
    – 1 Cake baked by me
    – 1 Monster spawner
    – 3 sponges
    – Obligatory blog post & header image on the website

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    I wonder if we could a Piratecraft Cape in the running for the yearly build winner? as a prize.

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    the claim blocks is a cool prize, the monster spawner is a fucking awesome prize!!
    I think that a diamond enchanted tool should be in the prize, renamed as “the winners name tool”

    • Topics: 794
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    Or all of those things? I can’t award Donny his prize since he hasn’t been back on the server!
    What about a 1st 2nd and 3rd prize? I can easily see multiple builds, we only have 3 days left!

    • Topics: 21
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    It’s that time again!, for your chance to win some goodies, let me see your builds!

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