[bug] Statistics issues !! MUST READ !!

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    @godsdead i have no idea when my stats were deleted/reset/whatever but i got my real stats from the stats menu after u press escape

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    Chailey (c3fbd28f-80f3-4060-aa09-029d919bb905)

    I lost 80 or 90-ish days of playtime, though, I’m not sure when it happened :/

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    <p>Hello dear Godsdead,  my in game name is Volpex_ and I lost my stats for playtime, I don’t really when I lost my stats, but I think that it happened about 15 days ago, now I have 2 days of play time, before this bug I think that I had about 35 days of playtime. Can you please check this date? 15/may/2017 or if this date doesn’t work can you try 5/may/2017?</p><p>Here the screenshot link: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/208171742789632000/320299735288381441/2017-06-02_22.26.22.png</p>

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    <p>Hi, my in game name is Volpex_ and I lost my stats for playtime.I think that it happened about one or two weeks ago, now I have  days of play, before this bug I think that I had 35 days of playtime; can you please check the 15/may/2017? or if this date doesn’t work can you try the 5/may/2017?</p><p>here the screenshot link: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/208171742789632000/320299735288381441/2017-06-02_22.26.22.png     </p>

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    I’m not sure when my stats were reset (Around February I think). I have the in game stats page+the /stats, My playtime should be 73 days. I don’t think I can see the blocks broken/placed in the in game stats page, and if you could find these and check if they are right that would be amazing!

    Thanks! 😀

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    I don't know what else to put.

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    first of all im verry sorry i didnt see u replyed  it didnt give me a notification like on the other forums

    dear gods the date i last checked my playtime was january 31

    thats the day i was 1 year on the server and i had about 43 days played ( i know i play alot)

    so some where after that date the time got recet

    and since my play time receted

    i have played 33 days


    again sorry for my bad english

    emiel reijs

    in game: emielreijs

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    <p>hi gods, I have a problem, my playtime was deleted another time, i’m boatswain, and I reached the 30 days , can you give my 30 days back ? </p>

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    I to, have had my playtime reset. It used to be much more than 2 days 12 hours. My ign is KaithefireNinja. the 14th of march should be an ok time to go back to.  I attached a screenshot of my current stats. I think it used to be somewhere around 22 days of on time.



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    I am the Senate

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    So I’m new to this server. Logged in a while ago started playing yesterday. After a 6-8 hours of playing I decided to call it a day. Next morning I log in and find out that my timer has been reset! It’s very sad since I almost got promoted to the next rank. Could you please help me with my timer issue. @godsdead

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    <p>Hello, I’ve just noticed that my playtime has been deleted. I don’t know exactly when it happend but I’m sure that I had 30 days in February (I became a boatswain during that month). Here you can see my stats and my playtime in the Minecraft statistics</p><p>P.S in game name MarcoHero</p>

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    Oi i just checked my stats today and realized that theyre gone…

    ill leave a screenshot below here.

    also my ingame name is CaptainKirn


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    ah im sorry, THIS was the forum i should have posted my issue in!


    a few days ago i noticed that my stats looked a little wierd, and then i noticed that they were a lot bigger than they should be! my playtime has doubled from 60 days to 121 days, i gained about 500k in blocks broken and about 500k in blocks placed. If someone could reset these to where they were that would be great!

    IGN: CaptainCracken


    (otherwise i may be the first person to get quartermaster haha)

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    So, I found this server two days ago, and I couldn’t stop playing it. I literally didn’t stop for breakfast or lunch. It was a great game, so I feel you’d understand why I’d be upset when I saw ALL MY STATS AT 0 this morning. (Again, I woke up and started playing) And I immediately asked what was going on, and was told to report it here.

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    So, I found this server two days ago, and I couldn’t stop playing it. I literally didn’t stop for breakfast or lunch. It was a great game, so I feel you’d understand why I’d be upset when I saw ALL MY STATS AT 0 this morning. (Again, I woke up and started playing) And I immediately asked what was going on, and was told to report it here. I added a screenshot, as you can see. pls fix.

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    Same thing happened to me. I’ve got about 75 hours of playtime but according to my /stats I’ve got barely any:

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