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    This player claims because my house is too close to warp shop, Iamthereaper (Warp shop owner and stuff) will force me to move house?

    Also after he attacked me in shop, and I managed to kill him, he took a screenshot and claims I will be banned for warp killing by Iamthereaper?

    Hes a captain and claims he’s friends with Iamthereaper


    so will I be banned and forced to move?



    PirateMC since 2015!

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    He also claims I will be banned for surging him.

    PirateMC since 2015!

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    No I dont think you’ll be banned there is no rule against being close to a warp winless it is spawn but idk what surging is.

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    Id say just check the building rules it seems fine to me.

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    I was online when this happened in chat.  To clarify, buckmaster1993 only said IamtheReaper doesn’t like when people pvp at his warp, /warp shop.

    Nobody will ban you for warp killing, however, some warp owners relentlessly hunt warp killers.  If buckmaster1993 took screenshots of you, it was probably as evidence to get you on Reaper’s KOS list.  He alluded to that that in game.

    Given your track record of excessive warp killing, I find it difficult to believe buckmaster1993 attacked you first.

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    I told him that I had built there and the reaper moved me. And that people have been banned for warp killing.  And he says that I attacked him at waro shop.  He attacked me and killed me twice and then when I was working on my chest shop he tried to kill me again but I was able to to out first because I had no armor on.


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    With all do respect to Reaper, judging by his building skills, it probably takes him a long time to expand warp shop, and I’m not very close to warp shop so it will probably take him ages to actually build near me? Especially if the wants to expand the circle and give it a higher diameter?

    Which probably leaves me plenty of time before he’s anywhere near me.


    Also there’s a house right outside warp shop and another one near it, closer than mine and they haven’t had to move.


    Ontop of this, I mean an admins decision is final, but if we do move, it won’t just be me, Geufalol, xXShadowEolBXx, CFCxAlex, Thorndog & TheBuderMasterX will need to move too as were next to each other. And it will be super hard to love my endermite pet and to actually moe the contents of the house and chest items, and then having to keep it safe while we build a new house and then moving out Tank & Shio which we built outside?


    Also yes I do kill at warp shop but I only kill Sailor+. No deckies or cadets unless they are in Diamond. And I don’t stay at any warps, I keep live map open and I don’t spawn kill, they get time to move out of a 8 block radius from the spawn area and then given 10 seconds to do whatever. I’m fairly sure according to the server rules this is not bannable. Also I don’t spam kill either, I don’t kill someone more than twice ever, and it’s normally twice if they come back with gear and try to fight.


    Also Reapers personal KOS list, is this like his just killing list or will he be banning and muting people on it too?


    Finally in in the server rules it says you can build anywhere but near spawn, Being a new player I built near warp shop as its the first place I went. I didn’t have a choice to go further as random CoV members kept spam killing my friend and I, so we then had to quickly build a house which got sieged. So I couldn’t really move anywhere.

    PirateMC since 2015!

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    O and the screenshots was a bluff.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
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    Someone get reaper to take a look at this please.

    PirateMC since 2015!

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    Finally in in the server rules it says you can build anywhere but near spawn, Being a new player I built near warp shop as its the first place I went. I didn’t have a choice to go further as random CoV members kept spam killing my friend and I, so we then had to quickly build a house which got sieged. So I couldn’t really move anywhere.


    “Finally in in the server rules it says you can build anywhere but near spawn, Being a new player I built near warp shop as its the first place I went. I didn’t have a choice to go further as random CoV members kept spam killing my friend and I, so we then had to quickly build a house which got sieged. So I couldn’t really move anywhere.” – You make it sound like you’re innocent despite basically asking for CoV member’s attention. (The kind of attention you shouldn’t want.)

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    When I built there I was in about the same location as you are now David but Reaper made me move.

    However he did move my buildings and all my chests full of stuff using World Edit and he put me in a nice place.

    So all I am saying is he might do the same to you so don’t be surprised if he does.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
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    Oh if i we don’t need to re build every bring then that’s fine. I don’t entirely like being where I am right now but it’s too late to move so if he uses world edit they would be great.

    PirateMC since 2015!

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    Reaper can fly?

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