Maintenance Report.

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  • #3294
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    After the maintenance updates (below) there are some new bugs I would like to address:

    • /stats shows the wrong block break and block place counts in-game, I have removed these stats showing for now to stop confusion, waiting on a developer responce.
    • /ar check & /rank are not completly in sync with stats playtime, again waiting on developer responce
    • The biggest by far, is the stats on the website is broken, this is due to a change of now the stats information is stored in the latest update, the panel I used for displaying statistics is 3 years old and hasnt been updated in that time, a new panel has been created for the new stats that I will be implementing asap, but sadly its aweful in comparison so far, not only that but I will no longer be able to link online players & claims to peoples stats pages, as the developer of this new panel, I can only assume is retarded and given each user a unique ID only relative to stats, this is a problem which I will try to code around myself.

    I hope to get some maintenance complete within 60 mins.

    Servers whitelisted while I update the following plugins.

    • Stats
    • Autorank
    • Battlearena

    This is a majour update, as all statistics and autorank data needs to be converted to UUID’s and both use completly new systems & configs.

    I’ve been putting this off for ages as its also going to break the live stats on the website.

    Once these are complete and are tested and working, then we can progress with multipul worlds and many more fun features!

    This battlearena update should fix the lag spikes on spigot servers (us) when people join a game.


    I will be on Teamspeak –

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