Brewing updated, fermenting, distilling, ageing​ working again.

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates Brewing updated, fermenting, distilling, ageing​ working again.

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  • #35123
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    Brewing Updated!

    • barrels work again! You will have to remove the old sign and put it back on to re-make barrels
    • fermenting, distilling, ageing is all working again!
    • chat commands updated, no longer speaking undrunk in crew chat ye sneaky barnacle!
    • Black Fire Potion nerfed to no longer act like a golden apple from 1.8!

    If you have any ideas for new Brews please do post them to the initial Brewing thread:

    Helpful Brewing URLs:

    Special Thanks goes out to @CallieMav for helping with the configs to speed things up.

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    Sailor, shipwright, builder, adventurer.

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    Hurrah! I thought I’d have to live off buckets of milk for the rest of time! XD

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    Can you make the item for the mole hole potion not a golden shovel, it keeps trying to claim instead of going into the cauldron.


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